For Advisory Board meeting of 1/23/'04

Background: Our undergraduate CSE program was last evaluated by the EAC (Engineering Accreditation Commission) and CAC (Computing Accreditation Commission) in Au '99. We are due for the next evaluation in Au '05. Since Au '99, there have been some changes in the EC 2000 (Engineering Criteria 2000) requirements/language. The Undergraduate Studies Committee has been working on the changes needed to meet the requirements of the revised EC 2000. (A report on this meeting is now available.)
  1. Accreditation Criteria:

    1. Summary of changes in EC 2000 (since '99-'00)
    2. Proposed EC 2000 Criteria (pdf)
    3. Current EC 2000 Criteria (pdf)
    4. EC 2000 Criteria (original)
    5. Current CAC Criteria (pdf) (Summary).
    6. Proposed changes in CAC Criteria (pdf)
      (The changes being proposed are quite similar to the ones being proposed for EC 2000; in any case, these will not be applicable to our evaluation in Au '05.)
    7. ABET site

  2. CSE Objectives and Outcomes:

    1. Current objectives/outcomes statement
    2. Proposed objectives/outcomes

  3. Assessment and Feedback Mechanisms (Current)

    1. Exit Survey Results (annual)    (combined)
    2. Alumni (Employee) survey results
    3. Manager/Supervisor survey results
    4. On-Campus Recruiter survey results (only for 2000-'01).
    5. Course Group Reports:
      1. Individual course group reports
    6. Other feedback (from students, alumni, etc.)
      Presentation to Industrial Advisory Board (1/23/'04)
    7. Presentation to faculty about the '99-'00 ABET/CSAB evaluation (summary) (details)
    8. Annual Reports
    9. Teaching Excellence Statement (pdf) (postscript)
    10. Other:
      1. Minutes of the Undergraduate Studies Committee meetings
      2. Minutes of the Curriculum Committee meetings
      3. Proposed changes to the CSE core (Rationale) (Proposed new program)
        (The changes have since been approved and the new program has been in effect since Au '01).
      4. Proposed changes to the database curriculum
        (these have since been approved).

  4. CSE Capstone Courses:

    1. Capstone course criteria
    2. Proposed revisions
    3. There are six courses currently designated as capstone courses: CIS 731, 758, 762, 772, 776, 778. CIS 776 is no longer taught. CIS 682, a new course on computer animation, seems to have all the desired characteristics of a capstone course and UGSC plans to discuss it to see if it can be added to the list.

  5. Summary:

    There is considerable amount of work to be done between now and June '05 when the self-study document is due. But we are in reasonably good shape and the actions that need to be taken in the coming months are fairly clear. Barring unexpected developments, the evaluation in Au '05 should go well.