Course Group Reports
(This page obsolete and has been replaced.)

This page is obsolete and has been replaced.

The most recent report for each course group may be accessed by following the corresponding link. Complete details of the course group mechanism appears below the list of reports.

  1. Software Spine (previous report)
  2. Programming Languages (previous report)
  3. Computer Graphics
  4. Software Engineering
  5. Theoretical Foundations
  6. AI
  7. Networking
  8. Database
  9. Operating Systems (pdf)
  10. Computer Architecture

Background and Details

Many of the courses in our undergraduate and graduate programs are, of course, closely related to each other. Historically, coordinators of strongly related courses have interacted informally and on an as-needed basis, appraising each other of changes in one course that may have impact on a related course. Following extensive discussion in the Curriculum Committee and in the Undergraduate Studies Committee we established the mechanism of Course Group Reports (CGRs) to both help these efforts as well as to document them.

All regular CSE courses are organized into groups of related courses. Coordinators of courses in each group are expected to interact with each other and with faculty (including part-time faculty) who regularly teach the courses in question on a regular basis to keep track of any problems that might arise, or to identify any changes that might be appropriate to make in the courses, etc. Ideas for any substantial changes in any course will, naturally, have to be brought to the Curriculum Committee for action in the usual manner. In addition, the coordinators of each group will present a status report on this group of courses to the Curriculum Committee on a regular basis, perhaps once every two or three years. For each course in the group, the report should address such questions as:

These reports will provide a record of and rationale for changes that may take place in the various courses. The reports will also make it easy for new members of faculty, as well as new students, and others interested in our programs, to get a feel for why the courses are the way they are.

The current set of course groups is as follows:

  1. Software Spine: CSE 221, 222, 321.
  2. Software Engineering: CSE 560, 757, 758, 601.
  3. Computer Architecture: CSE 360, 621, 675, 676, 721, 775, 778; EE 261, 206, 567.
  4. Theory: Math 366, 566; CSE 541, 625, 680, 725, 727, 780; Stat 427, 428.
  5. Databases: CSE 616, 670, 671, 770, 772.
  6. Programming Languages: CSE 459, 655, 755, 756.
  7. Operating Systems: CSE 660, 662, 741, 760, 762, 763.
  8. Computer Networks: CSE 677, 678, 679, 752, 777.
  9. Computer Graphics: CSE 581, 681, 781, 782, 784.
  10. Artificial Intelligence: CSE 612, 630, 730, 731, 732, 739, 779.

Comments on any of the individual reports or on the mechanism as a whole may be sent to Bruce Weide, Chair of the Curriculum Committee, or to Neelam Soundarajan, Chair of the Undergraduate Studies Committee.