Multi-resolution Algorithms


Interactive Level-of-Detail Selection Using Image-Based Quality Metric for Large Volume Visualization

accepted to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

Chaoli Wang, Antonio Garcia, and Han-Wei Shen

GPU-based 3D Wavelet Reconstruction with Tileboarding‭

Pacific Graphics 2005‭. ‬Macau‭, ‬China‭

Antonio Garcia and Han-Wei Shen‭, 2005‭

Hierarchical Navigation Interface‭: Leveraging Multiple Coordinated

Views for Level-of-Detail Multiresolution Volume Rendering of

Large‭ ‬Scientific Data Sets‭

In Proceedings of‭ ‬International Conference on Information Visualisation

London‭, ‬England‭ Chaoli Wang and Han-Wei Shen‭, ‬July 2005 ‬

Parallel Multiresolution Volume Rendering

of Large Data Sets with ‭ ‬Error-Guided Load Balancin‭

to appear in Eurographics‭ ‬Symposium on Parallel Graphics and


Chaoli Wang‭, ‬Jinzhu Gao‭, ‬Han-Wei Shen‭,  2004‭

Time-Critical Multiresolution Volume Rendering

using 3D Texture Hardware

IEEE/ACM 2002‭ ‬Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics‭

Boston‭, ‬Massachusetts‭

Xinyue Li‭ ‬and Han-Wei Shen‭October 2002


To allow interactive visualization of very large data sets, one effective strategy is to create a multi-resolution representation of the original data and perform level of detail rendering based on the quality and speed requirements at run time. Toward this goal, the Gravite Research Group has developed several algorithms to enable multi-resolution visualization of large data sets. Our research focus includes time-critical volume rendering, user interface and error metrics for quality assesment, parallel multi-resolution volume rendering, GPU-based wavelet encoding and reconstruction, and multi-resolution spatio-temporal data management framework.







The Ohio State University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

395 Dreese Lab, 2015 Neil Avenue, Columbus OH 43210

Professor Han-Wei Shen (V) 614 292 0060  (F) 614 2922911