The Ohio State University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

395 Dreese Lab, 2015 Neil Avenue, Columbus OH 43210

Professor Han-Wei Shen (V) 614 292 0060  (F) 614 2922911 

Parallel Visualization Algorithms


A Parallel Multiresolution Volume Rendering Algorithm

for Large Data Visualization‭

Parallel Computing‭, ‬Vol‭. ‬31‭, ‬No‭. ‬2‭

Jinzhu Gao‭, ‬Chaoli Wang‭, ‬and Han-Wei Shen, ‬February‭, ‬2005‭

Aynchronous Rendering of Time-Variant Volumes

with Workload-Based‭ ‬Data Shuffling

HPC Sprint Simulation Multiconference

Tony Garcia and Han-Wei Shen‭‭, ‬April 2005‭

Parallel View-Dependent Isosurface Extraction

using Multi-Pass Occlusion Culling

ACM/IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large Data Visualization

San Diego, California

Jinzhu Gao and Han-Wei Shen, October 2001

An Interleaved Parallel Volume‭ ‬Renderer

with PC clusters‭

Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization‭

Blaubeuren‭, ‬Germany‭

Tony Garcia‭ ‬and Han-Wei Shen‭, September 2002‭

Parallel processing plays an increasingly more important role in the area of scientific visualization as the size of data continues to increase. Although  many parallel visualization algorithms have been developed in the past, the complexity and scale of the data generated by terascale (and soon petascale) simulations demand even greater advancement in fundamental visualization algorithms and system designs.

One mission of the Gravite  Research Group is to develop  high performance scalable parallel visualization algorithms targeted at very large  data sets. To date, our research has covered

a wide spectrum of topics in this area, including parallel algorithms for volume symmetry extraction ,view-dependent isosurface extraction, multi-resolution time-varying volume rendering, and load balancing algorithms for time-varying volume rendering.




