CSE 3902 Project: Design, Development, and
Documentation of Interactive Systems






This is moved to: http://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/~boggus/3902/index.html




















This is a Junior-level (or advanced Sophomore) course on Professional Software Development. You will learn through hands-on activities, large team-based software development and processes. Our goals are to build a simple 2D platformer game. Not! Our goals are to craft high-quality software, understand the process of Agile software development, become familiar with advanced tools for software development, testing plans and tools, and how to work in a small sized team (4-5 people). There will be a large amount of critiquing of code and interactive feedback. This will lead to refinement and improvement of your software (for future expansion and maintenance).

Grader: James Balata (balata.4 -at- osu.edu)

Grading Policy: Grading plan


Google Calendar for sprint planning sessions and feedback. Please pick a team when the instructors and grader can meet with your group. At the beginning of your weekly meetings would be good.

Google Calendar

Notes for class:

Official Syllabus

Reading Resources

C# and .NET

Super Mario




Team Rubrics (Word) (Pdf)

Final Exam: Friday, April 26 from 4:00-5:45pm (in the same classroom).

Autumn 2012 Schedule


Super Coding Bros.

Bullet Bills



Team Terabyte

Team Name

Sonic The Hedgehog

Running Schedule Winter 2013

  1. Lecture 1 (M): Overview of class
  2. Lecture 2 (W): Demo of Visual Studio / C# language / arrays
  3. Lecture 3 (F): Presentation on C# Classes and interfaces (powerpoint)
  4. Lecture 4 (M): Group Formations
  5. Lecture 5 (W): Presentation on Classes and Inheritance (powerpoint)
  6. Lecture 5 (F): Use Case and Requirements Gathering
  7. Lecture 6 (W):
  8. Lecture 7 (F):
  9. Lecture 8 (M):
  10. lecture 9 (W):
  11. Lecture 10 (F): Quality Software Foundations
  12. Lecture 11 (M): Code Metrics continued
  13. Lecture 12 (W): Code Smells and Refactoring
  14. Lecture 13 (F): State Design Pattern for Mario
  15. Lecture 14 (M): Collision Detection
  16. Lecture 15 (W): Collision Detection
  17. Lecture 16 (F): Finite-State Tables and Debugging in VS 2012
  18. Lecture 17 (M): Sprint 3
  19. Lecture 18 (W): More Design Patterns
  20. Lecture 19 (F): Code Smells and Refactoring continued