CSE 3902 Professional Software Development - Sprint 3 - mario playground

Due (subject to change):


The end result will be a testing ground for the various game elements, but without sound, a moving camera, heads up display elements (points, timer, coin count, level number), and the ending flag sequence.

Sprint 3 Tasks:

Additional notes:

Make sure each team member works on defining and adding tasks to TFS. Similarly, make sure everyone works on implementing some subset of the use cases for the Sprint.


See above. In addition, your individual scores will be weighted based on the team rubrics and activity in TFS.

Key Mappings
Please use lower case letters for the keys
Use the arrow keys for left/right/crouch movement
Use the z key for jumping
Use the x key for running and fireballs

GamePad Mappings

Use the left joystick for left/right/crouch movement
Use the a key for jumping
Use the b key for running and fireballs