This file is not being used; instead, the reports from all the years are in one file.
Feedback from the Industrial Advisory Board meeting of April 25, 2014

This file is not being used; instead, the reports from all the years are in one file.

The CSE IAB met on April 25, 2014 for its annual meeting. One of the items discussed at the meeting was the status of the undergrad programs in the dept., including the courses offered, who teaches the courses (tenure-track faculty vs. full-time lecturers and senior lecturers vs. adjuncts vs. GTAs); the objectives of the BS-CSE program; assessment activities; etc. The slides from the presentation are available here.

The members of the board were satisfied with the state of the program including the program objectives. One item that was discussed at some length was the fact that a large number of courses were taught by non-tenure-track faculty. This may be cause for concern; but, at the same time, some of the board members pointed out that having adjuncts who are active industry professionals teach some of the courses, especially ones on such topics as software engineering as well as the capstone design and other project-oriented courses, is entirely appropriate; and can, indeed, contribute, in a significant way, to preparing students, upon graduation, to be "employed in the computing profession, and will be engaged in learning, understanding, and applying new ideas and technologies as the field evolves" (program objective I).