Procedural Content Generation for Games

Special Topics Course

Spring 2015

Dr. Roger Crawfis


This course will only be offered in some variant once every three years. It will cover the latest research in Game Technologies. This particular instance will focus on intelligent methods and frameworks for Generative techiques for Content, mainly called Procedural Content Generation (PCG). The focus will not be on graphics and textures, but on higher-level constructs (e.w., fairness, navigation graph, progression, difficulty, flow and fun). We will primarily focus on and use a tiling software architecture. This will allow us to analyze the intra-tile (an indivual tile's characteristics) and inter-tile (a tiling) properties.

Call number and other official stuff:

Officially listed as CSE 5194.01 - 0010 Group Studies in Computer Science and Engineering

Grad Students: Class Number 33387

Undergrads: Class Number 33389

Meeting Time: TR 9:35am-10:55

Meeting Place: DL 266


A note about course design: There is a tension between a linear logic flow and covering material in time for homework and labs. This schedule reflects the fact that I want to get a few simple labs done to prime your creative thinking for a final project. Right now, Week 5 will actually cover an overview for the course :-).

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5:

Week 6:

Week 7:

Week 8:

Week 9:

Week 10 (after Spring Break):

Week 11:

Week 12:

Week 13:

Week 14:


  1. OSU purchased Unity assets
  3. Procedural Content Generation for Real-Time 3D Applications Part 1: Oil Rush
  6. YouTube video for Dungeon Creation
  7. Writing Kode: Dungeon Generation
  8. Maze Generation Wiki
  9. 3D maze app
  10. Non-uniform random distributions (Unity script)
  11. Game Design Patterns wiki


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