
11th International Workshop on Feedback Computing

Feedback Computing 2016

Co-located with ICAC 2016, held in Wurzburg from July 19 to July 22, 2016.



Feedback Computing is a unique forum built around advancing feedback system theory and practice in modeling, analyzing, designing, and optimizing computing systems with respect to performance, predictability, power consumption and thermal aspects. Computing system includes everything from high-performance grids, cloud and web service infrastructures, distributed mobile systems, servers, SOCs, embedded systems, and sensor networks. The workshop represents the growing use of feedback in a broader agenda and is a timely response to the following two trends:

→ Computing systems are growing larger, smarter, and more complex, embedding in the physical world, human interactions, and societal infrastructure. Systematic and feedback-driven approaches are critical for addressing the dynamic complexity that arises in new fields such as cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, social networks, and mobile applications.

→ Advances in disciplines such as machine learning, mathemati­cal optimization, network theories, decision theories, and data engineering provide new foundations and techniques that empower feedback approaches to address computing systems at scale and to achieve goals such as autonomy, adaptation, stabilization, robustness, and performance optimization.

The Feedback Computing Workshop seeks original research contribu­tions and position papers on advancing feedback control technolo­gies and their applications in computing systems, broadly defined.