CSE Curriculum Committee: 2018-19

This page summarizes the committee's activities for the current academic year, including:

For general resources related to the Curriculum Committee, such as instructions for how to propose new courses or changes to existing courses, please see the committee's main page.


Blanas, Bucci (de facto), Morris, Ogle, Reeves (ex officio), Sadayappan, Sivilotti (chair), Soundarajan, Strader (ex officio), Sun, Wenger

Meeting Minutes

(reverse chronological order)



Blanas, Bucci, Fritz, Morris, Ogle, Reeves, Sadayappan, Sivilotti (chair), Strader, Sun, Wenger

  1. Action item: New courses for eSports major

    1. 1213 “Computational Thinking in Context: Game Development”
    2. 2151 “Game Development I”
    3. 2152 “Game Development II”
  2. Action item: New course pilot: 5194 “Virtual Reality”

  3. Action item: New course pilot: 1194 “Introduction to Computer Programming in Python”

—-> ended here @ 3:30

  1. Information item: Course numbers for (forthcoming) TDAI-PSM courses

5621 Big Data Comp. Found. I
5622 Big Data Comp. Found. II
5623 Information Design (with DESIGN 5xyz)
5624 Practical Learning & Mining for Big Data (with STAT 5620)
5625 Seminar in Data Governance (with… ?)
5628 Capstone I (with many others)
5629 Capstone II (with many others)

  1. Miscellaneous information items:
    • ENGR 4191 for international students on internships
    • change in pre-req for 6461 (Ness' networking)



Blanas, Bucci, Morris, Ogle, Reeves, Sivilotti (chair), Strader, Wenger

  1. Action item: Request for concurrence from MAE for “Applied Machine Learning” (Paul)

    • proposed syllabus
    • Question: Should pre-req’s include CSE 1223? A: will ask, but probably not needed because ME students do not take 1223.
    • Question: Should our grad students be able to take this course? A: Decide
  2. Information item: Digital flagship and coding curriculum

    • Rajiv met with Sam Smith from Digital Flagship. (Jessica Phillips, assoc. dir of Student Experience at DigFlg could not attend). Sam is “leading the development of the coding curriculum”.
    • Developing 4 courses, no pre-req’s. No-credit, all-distance courses. No cost.
    • pilot with 20 odee employees, then scale
    • Completion would be recognized with an OSU certificate, and possibly a discount on the Apple App Dev. certification test (approx $100).
    • Want it to be proficiency-based, but scaling assessment is difficult.
    • Hired author of Apple’s “App Dev w Swift” as consultant to help with curricular design.
    • XCode-based (so requires a mac computer). There are/will be labs on campus with macs for students to use.
    • Topics (roughly)
      1. Programming basics (variables, control, objects, Swift), XCode
      2. Firebase/CloudKit (saving data), Trello (planning), github (version control), table view (patterns)
      3. CS foundations, debugging, security, databases, file systems, testing
      4. Navigating the business side, agile/scrum, capstone project
    • key question: how to we partner?



Blanas, Bucci, Fritz, Morris, Ogle, Reeves, Sadayappan, Sivilotti (chair), Strader, Sun, Wenger, Crawfis, Boggus

  1. Action item: Approval of 4256 (1cr) “Programming in Python” (Fritz)

    • proposed syllabus
    • We should update the other 425x pre-req’s to match. That is, they should be accessible to minors. Easiest solution is to add Java/C++ 212x, along with Foundations I, as an alternative to SW II. So the pre-req’s are: 2122, 2123, or 2231; and 2321
    • Jeremy noted that the pre-req’s look odd because the software courses (ie 212x and 2231) are not equivalent experiences.
    • Question: Can it be taught in by a graduate TA? Ans. yes (next year).
    • Question: Can it be taught in Caldwell 112? Ans. yes, though that room is not ideal.
    • Vote to approve 4256: passed.
    • After approving 4256, the current1-credit 425x classes were discussed. Perl and Lisp have had such low enrollment that they haven’t been offered in years.
    • Vote to withdraw 4254 (Perl) and 4254 (Lisp): passed.
  2. Information item: New “Game Design and E-Sports” major (Crawfis, Boggus)

    • University has created a new program/major in Arts and Sciences for e-sports. There are 3 tracks: the business/management of e-sports, performance/human factors, and development. While the program appears to already exist (?), the curriculum does not. The question for CSE is what the third track should look like, whether it involves creating new courses, how priority would work for students in this new track, selective enrollment, etc.
  3. Information item: Digital flagship and coding curriculum

    • Rajiv (and Swaroop Joshi and Adam Champion) are meeting with Jessica Phillips (Assoc. Director of Student Experience, Digital Flagship) and the person “leading the development of the coding curriculum” on Wed Feb 6. Paul will follow-up with more information.