CSE Curriculum Committee: 2017-18

This page summarizes the committee's activities for the current academic year, including:

For general resources related to the Curriculum Committee, such as instructions for how to propose new courses or changes to existing courses, please see the committee's main page.


Cline, Bucci (de facto), Fossler-Lussier, Brian Gainer (UG student rep, Sp 2018), Lai, Morris, Ogle, Reeves (ex officio), Sivilotti (chair), Soundarajan, Strader (ex officio), Supowit, Yang Wang, Wenger, Xu Wei

Agenda Items for Future Meetings

  1. Discussion: should ENGR/CSE 1221 (Matlab) be CSE only (Rafe)?

  2. Discussion: some upcoming course proposals (Paul)

    • new course MGEL/DataAnalytics (Ramnath)

    • new course on Law + CS (Choi)

    • new Python course? (Fritz)

    • new Ruby course? (Sivilotti)

  3. Data Analytics students: cohort progressing through major

    • Pre-req’s for tech electives, since students have 3430 (Sys 1.5) instead of 2431 (Sys 2)

    • CS Capstones require 390x, but (many) DA students don’t take it (can a pre-req be “DA major”?)

  4. Action Item: proposal from Neelam (7/2016)

    • Make 2331 (Foundations II) a pre-req for capstone courses

    • Rationale: encourage students to take the course earlier in their UG career

  5. Discussion: (Rafe) Should the department have a grading policy/curve to standardize grades?

  6. Discussion: R course coming from stats

  7. Status report: Pilot offering of “DataMgt in Cloud” (spring)

  8. Status report: Pilot offering of 3430 “Systems 1.5” (Neelam)

  9. Follow-up report: Impact of new Arts & Science grade forgiveness policy, see minutes from 9/11/15 (Nikki)

  10. Discussion: Should an UG course be created for rapidly evolving technologies (like 5xy9’s for grads)? (Neelam)

Meeting Minutes

(reverse chronological order)



Bucci, Cline, Fossler-Lussier, Lai, Morris, Ogle, Reeves, Sivilotti, Soundarajan, Strader, Supowit, Yang Wang, Wenger, Xu, Nick Grosenbacher (ug student), Brian Ganier (ug student rep)

  1. Action: Pre-req for CSe 3241 (Paul)

    • pre-req’s for 3241 (Intro to DB) are currently: “2133 or 2231, and 2321”
    • problem: MIS don’t take 2321
    • Aside: a temporary problem. new enforcement, this fall some want 2133 concurrent
    • Proposals
      • A) “2133 or 2231, and 2321 or MATH 2366” (in line with MIS advising)
      • B) “2231 and 2321, or 2133 and MATH 2366” (more restrictive)
      • C) “Prereq: 2231 and 2321; or prereq MATH 2366, and prereq or concur CSE 2133”
    • Observation: 3232 Soft Req. Anal has 3241 pre-req!
  2. Discussion and Updates (Paul)

    • IB CS should give credit for what? [ Paolo’s suggestion: Option D (oop) gives credit for 1223 +? 2123? ] [ other options… 1211? ] [ Stanford: IB same as AP (can set threshold grade: like 6/7 for IB ]
    • question from ISE re: Math 2568
    • Srini’s proposal: DA students taking 390x as “capstone experience” (we’ve already added 3430 as possible pre-req)
    • “Professional Science Masters” program being developed by TDAI. 3 CSE courses, some new
    • concurrence for architecture course



Bucci, Cline, Fossler-Lussier, Lai, Morris, Ogle, Reeves, Sivilotti, Soundarajan, Strader, Supowit, Yang Wang, Wenger, Xu, Fritz

  1. Action: Approve Pilot of “Programming in Python” (Fritz)

    • High demand for Python
    • 1 credit
    • initially as 4194 but eventual 425x
  2. Discussion: Public Health Course (Paul)

    • No formal concurrence request, just FYI
  3. Discussion: Apple Digital Initiative (Paul)

    • Apple-OSU partnership. IPads for students; no devices for faculty
    • can apply for funds for an ipad from college if sig. curr. dev.
    • Rafe, Neelam and I met with folks from ODEE:
      • Liv Gjestvang, assoc. vp of learning & technology (ie digital first)
      • Rob Griffiths, assoc. vp of distance ed. (ie programs, curr. etc)
      • Cory Tressler, assoc. dir. of learning programs
    • “everything on the table”
    • odee is looking at non-credit (certificate?) programs
    • rajiv will be liason



Bucci, Cline, Fossler-Lussier, Lai, Morris, Ogle, Reeves, Sivilotti, Soundarajan, Strader, Supowit, Yang Wang, Wenger, Xu

  1. Action: Pre-reqs for CSE 5523 (Paul) Current pre-reqs: Prereq: 3521, 5521, or 5243, and 5522, Stat 3460, or 3470 Proposed: Prereq: 3521, 5521, or 5243; and 5522, Stat 3460, or 3470; and Math 2568, 2174, or 5520H

  2. Action: Concurrenc requests (Paul)

    • concur (re)request from Astronomy: 1221
    • concur request from Pol Sci: 3785 (Data Science)
  3. Discussion: Updates (Paul)

    • New Python 1-crhr 425x being developed
    • progress in new GE draft
    • Apple digital initiative



Cline, Fossler-Lussier, Bucci (de facto), Ogle, Pital Viral, Sivilotti (chair), Strader (ex officio), Xu Wei

Gagan Spyros Srini

  1. Action: Review of pilot offering 4193 Data Mngt in the Cloud (Spyros Blanas)

Agreed: 3000-level number