
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 09:56:26 -0500
From: Anish Arora 
Subject: Observations on the sabbatic leave process


Here are a few things I've learned while serving on 
the college sabbatical committee. Incidentally, part 
of my task is to evangelize the role of sabbatic leaves.

1) University regulations allow no more than 10% of the
faculty to take a sabbatical.  COE typically falls short 
of this number, whereas there is contention in some other 

2) COE faculty are definitely encouraged to consider 
taking a sabbatical when they are eligible, of course 
keeping in mind the impact at the department level 
of several colleagues taking the leave simultaneously.

3) The evaluation process (at present) therefore focuses in order on: 
   (a) strictly checking eligibility (to the exact number of 
       quarters served!),  and 
   (b) the cogency of the argument being made for the 
       benefits of the leave to the individual and the department. 
With best wishes,