(thanks to Shantanu Singh for these instructions) I logged into a few systems in the 112 Caldwell and Visual Studio 2005 seems to be installed on all computers. The ones I tried out were the computers in Section A and B in the lab. I was able to get Lab 1 running. There were a few things I had to do before that because the Glut files were not installed and you don't have permission to access the Windows and Program Files directories. Here's what I did 1. First get the Glut files from http://www.xmission.com/%7Enate/glut/glut-3.7.6-bin.zip 2. Create folders Z:\WINDOWS\personal\glut\include Z:\WINDOWS\personal\glut\include\GL Z:\WINDOWS\personal\glut\lib 3. Unzip the file and ... copy glut.h to Z:\WINDOWS\personal\glut\include\GL copy glut32.lib to Z:\WINDOWS\personal\glut\lib 4. Here are some steps to create an OpenGL project in VisualStudio http://www.cecs.csulb.edu/~pnguyen/Using OpenGL in Visual Studio 2005.htm 5. use your personal directory in the steps from item 4. In Project Properties > Configuration Properties > c/c++ > Additional include directions add Z:\WINDOWS\personal\glut\include 6. In Project Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > General > Additional library directions add Z:\WINDOWS\personal\glut\lib 7. Build the project 8. Copy glut32.dll into the directory where your exe file has been created You should be able to have the program running now