CSE 682: - Project Notes

It seems this course is always being tweaked a little bit to make it better (hopefully). The notes below are generic. Specifics about the course for a particular quarter may vary - these specifics (like number of students in a group, or how long the animation should be) will be discussed in class.


The Project

The objective is to produce a computer animation.

The final animation will be designed using:

The entire group should work on the story ideas and development of the storyboard. It is important to have certain group members be primarily responsible for the different tasks: model building, shading, scene layout, motion, lighting, camera control, and rendering.. or for different scenes in the animation.

Levels of Complexity

Don't underestimate how hard it is to do good animation. Animation is very much a trial-and-error process. As such, it requires a lot of time to do right. You save yourself a lot of time by attacking the problem intelligently. Plan how you're going to test the different facets of the animation and how you're going to progress from one stage to the next.

It is important that you develop the animation using various levels of complexity. For example,

Labs, Software & Facilities

Web Documentation

Each group is to maintain a web site containing the following information: As I understand it, the M drives cannot be used to hold the web pages (bummer), so it will have to reside in some user area. So the number of images and video will have to be limited because of space limitations. I will announce specific dates during the quarter that I will evaluate and grade the web site documentation.


Part of your grade is based on your participation of group presentations. I expect everyone to have significant participate in the presentations throughout the quarter. An individual does not have to participate in each presentation, but must do his/her share. Presentation grade will be based on amount and quality of presentation. There will be five presentations, roughly every two weeks, by the group concerning the status of the animation throughout the quarter:

Presentation 1: Preliminary Proposal

Each group will present, for critique by the rest of the class, the following:

All of this should be on the project web page whether or not you use it for the presentation. In addition, individual blogs explaining each member's work on the project should be on (or linked to by) the web site.

At this point, the storyboard should be considered a proposal that is subject to change. Remember, this is a tentative plan. Nothing is cast in concrete. You can modify as you see fit in the next few of weeks. But I want you to start seriously considering what you're going to do for your project. The group should be looking for constructive feedback from the rest of the class on the storyboard and should be prepared to modify the storyboard based on the feedback it gets. Similarly, with respect to the tasks and their assignment, expect constructive critisism. You will also be critiqued on your "in-front of class" presentation mechanics.

Presentation 2: Final Proposal

By this presentation you should have pretty much everything decided, know that it is doable, know how to do it, and know how long it will take to do it. There is still a little wiggle room for last minute changes to the project, but anything changed after this point should be minor or as a result of something unanticipated. From here on out, it should be an issue of just getting things done.

I need to review and evaluate the projected procedural content of your project.

Each group will present, for critique by the rest of the class, the following:

In addition, take note of the following:

Presentation 3: Progress Report I

Each group will present, for critique by the rest of the class, any updates from the last presentation, a report on the procedural elements, and an updated plan for getting the project done including rendering time.

This should not be a full presentation of the project. It should be an update to the previous presentation.

For example, you might some of the following:

The storyboard, models and scenes should be made available on the web. Everything should be pretty well decided at this point and initial progress on the objects, lighting and shading, scene composition, and camera positions should be underway.

Presentation 4: Progress Report II

Each group will present, for critique by the rest of the class, the following: The models and scenes should be made available on the web. A demonstration of the motion desired should be made at this point. Refinement of the other aspects should be well underway.

NOTE: A detailed report on programming assignments that each person in the group did for the project should be posted on the web page. This should include programming efforts that were abandonded for one reason or another, and descriptions of collaborations on programming projects including percent contribution for each collaborator. Part of your grade will be based on this description. This is to be posted by the in-class final exam. If you do it sooner than that, then I will have time to give you feedback on whether what you have is sufficient or not.

Final Presentation

The final animation will be shown during final exam time of finals week. Note that it is not unusual for other graphics students, and sometimes staff and faculty, to come to the final presentations. Sometimes nobody comes; sometimes we get quite a few outside people attending.

The presentation should start with an explaination of the techniques used to produce the animation, who did what, what software was used, what problems were encountered and how they were resolved.

Final Editing

For the animation, you end up with about five to ten minutes of animation with sound and titles.

CSE editing system: We have 5 copies of Premier in CL112D.

Soundtrack: You can easily add a simple soundtrack to the animation using Premier.


Grading of the project is based on:

If the project is not completed by the time of the final presentations, the animation may be completed by taking an incomplete. However, the grade for the project will be reduced. The group must still make a presentation at the time for final presentations showing whatever results they currently have.

Grading of the individuals in the group is based on:


Last updated 4/16/10