CSE541 Homework #6


Due Date: Tuesday, Feb. 21



Write a program that will:

To get you started, here is a program and makefile that implement one Trapezoidal segment and prints out the result.


Include a printout of the program results, as described above, and answer the following questions:

  1. For function '1', discuss the results. Compare to the correct value. Are there any surprises in how close or how far away some of the estimates are? Compare and contrast the results from the various approaches. Assume the function evaluation is very expensive and you want to get the best answer with the smallest number of function evaluations - what method would you choose and why?

  2. Same questions and discussion for function '2'

  3. Discuss the comparison of the results for the two functions. Do their graphs (shown below) tell you anything about the similarities or differences of the results?


On the due date, at the beginning of class, hand in hardcopy of

  1. your analysis of the results of the lab assignment, including output from the program when and where appropriate.

With respect to the lab assignment,