Course Description

Security threats and services, elements of cryptography, protocols for security services, network and Internet security, advanced security issues and technologies. We will cover not only fundamental security concepts and knowledge, but also practical techniques for network attacks and defenses.


Level and Credits

Undergraduate/Graduate 3 credits


CSE 3461 (formerly, CSE 677) or CSE 5461 or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for CSE 651.

Office Hours


Text Books

Course Policy

Late Policy

All late submissions will automatically lose 10 points per delayed day until the points in that project are gone.

Collaboration Policy

Students are encouraged to collaborate, particularly on the discussion on the course project. However, each individual must finish the project by him/her-self.

Cheating Policy

We will strictly follow the university policy on cheating and plagiarism which is available here. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact the instructor.