Undergrad Places in Brokers Olympiad

Joel Lehman, 4th year undergraduate CSE student, recently placed 12th in the Interactive Brokers Collegiate Trading Olympiad. This earns Joel $5,000 and another $5000 will be given to The Ohio State University.

Interactive Brokers Group is a worldwide leader in market making and broker-dealer services. It is "sponsoring the Olympiad to highlight the growing need for computer science and engineering students in the financial industry, and to draw attention to this need in academia generally and particularly among students who are making important career choices."

Joel is originally from Dayton, Ohio and currently has a 3.76 gpa. He has been interested in programming since childhood. His interest in stocks and investing began about four years ago. It is obviously paying off already!

For more detail about the Olympiad see their web site: http://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/general/education/IBTradingOlympiad.php