Poetry of Bettina Bair

Rules Are Made to Be Broken
(a seven line, seven beat poem about how light works)

Light can't be felt or tasted.
Strangely unremarkable --
Unless absent or broken.
Thus, all the colors in light,
Stay invisible to us,
Until they are split apart.
Light confusion is color.

It’s Just All about the Rules
a pantoum

"It's just all about the rules",
My computing teacher said.
"The computer is a fool.
It can't read what's in your head"

My computing teacher said,
"Without imagination,
It can't read what's in your head --
Just coded operations."

"Without imagination,
Computers cannot do art.
Just coded operations
Moving bits around its heart."

"Computers cannot do art,
But for a skilled artist's hand,
Moving bits around its heart,
Elegance can be programmed."

"But for a skilled artist's hand,
The computer is a fool.
Elegance can be programmed.
It's just all about the rules."