CSE Undergraduate Studies Committee
Minutes of Meetings (2017-'18)

Committee Members Jeremy Morris, Dave Ogle, Paul Sivilotti, Neelam Soundarajan (chair), Chris Stewart, Ken Supowit, Rafe Wenger, Yang Wang, Nikki Strader, Kitty Reeves; Matt Boggus, Paolo Bucci, Al Cline (The committee is looking for both CSE and CIS student reps. If you are a BS-CSE/BS-CIS major and are interested in being on the committee, please email Neelam at soundarajan.1)

Autumn: Sept 10;

Sept. 10, 2018

  1. Enrollment management
  2. Spring POCAT results
  3. Future changes in ABET/CAC Criteria
At the meeting: Jeremy Morris, Dave Ogle, Paul Sivilotti, Neelam Soundarajan, Chris Stewart, Huan Sun, Yang Wang, Nikki Strader, Kitty Reeves; Matt Boggus, Paolo Bucci.
  1. Neelam summarized our current (dire!) enrollment situation with almost 600 students being admitted to the majors each year. A key question was whether we should stay with our current enrollment approach and adjust the GPA required for admission to the major as appropriate or, in addition, also include a holistic review component in our process. The advantage of not including such a component is the admission requirements will be simple to administer and transparent to the students; the disadvantage is the potential negative impact on students from underrepresented groups. Neelam also summarized what he and Nikki learned at a meeting with people from Biomedical Engineering which is the single program in the college that has been using holistic reviews as part of its admission process for many years. All this is summarized in this document. We will continue this discussion in the next
  2. Upcoming changes in CAC Criteria requirements: Neelam distributed a handout that highlights important, upcoming changes in the CAC requirements. Pages (1), (2) are the current requirements; (3), (4) are the new requirements. There are two sets of changes, the first related to the program curriculum, the second to the program outcomes. The portions labeled (a1), (a2) on pages (1), (2) are the current outcomes; the ones labeled (A1), (A2) on pages (3), (4) are the revised outcomes. The portions labeled (b1), (b2) on pages (1), (2) are the current curricular requirements; the ones labeled (B1), (B22) on pages (3), (4) are the revised curricular requirements. We will discuss these in future meetings to see what changes will be needed in our curriculum and in our assessment processes to meet the revised requirements.
There was no time to discuss the remaining items.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 pm.

Next meeting: ??