import java.util.*; /** RatNumComparator implements a compare() between two RatNum Objects */ class RatNumComparator implements Comparator { // @requires r1 instanceof RatNum, r2 instanceof RatNum // TODO: Modify this compare method so that it returns // a negative number if r1 > r2, // zero if r1 == r2 // a positive number if r1 < r2 // Integer.MAX_VALUE if r1.isNaN() && !r2.isNaN() // Integer.MIN_VALUE if r2.isNaN() && !r1.isNaN() // 0 if r1.isNaN() && r2.isNaN() public int compare (Object r1, Object r2) { // Your code here. Hint, if r1 = a/b and r2 = c/d, // then r1 < r2 iff a * d < b * c. return 0; } } /** This class contains a main method which fills a List with * randomly generated RatNum objects and then sorts them using * RatNumComparator */ public class RatNumSortingTest { // You should not need to modify this class // at all. You only need to implement the compare method in the // class RatNumComparator. The code below shows examples of how to // generate random numbers and use an Iterator. public static void main (String[] args) { // create a big list of RatNums, but not in a sorted order List ratnumList = new ArrayList(); // Fill the list using randomly generated RatNum Objects: // 1. First, create a random number generator Random generator = new Random(); // 2. Populate the list by creating random numerators and denominators for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int randomNumer = generator.nextInt (20); int randomDenom = generator.nextInt (5); ratnumList.add (new RatNum (randomNumer, randomDenom)); } // 3. Now call the Collections.sort() using our custom comparator Collections.sort (ratnumList, new RatNumComparator()); // 4. Print out the list to see verify correctness. System.out.println ("Contents of sorted list of RatNums:"); System.out.println ("***********************************"); for (Iterator i = ratnumList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { RatNum nextInList = (RatNum); System.out.print (nextInList.unparse() + " "); } // extra line break to make the output look nice System.out.println (""); } }