Please make sure that your submission includes a file called myfns that contains all your Scheme code for the lab. The grader will use Scheme48's ",load" facilty to load all your function definitions by saying, ,load myfns That will load all your function definitions into memory, i.e., put them on the d-list. Then the grader can run test cases to make sure that your functions are properly defined, in particular that your eliminateNsort function works correctly. Do NOT call that function something else. Here are a few test cases, each line being followed by the result that your definitions should produce. (eliminateNsort '(40 30 20 10) '()) ;expected result: '(10 20 30 40) (eliminateNsort '(40 30 20 10) '(10 20 30 40)) ;expected result: '() (eliminateNsort '(20 30 10 40) '(20 20 20)) ;expected result: '(10 30 40) (eliminateNsort '(10) '(20 30 10 50 40 10)) ;expected result: '() (eliminateNsort '(1 1 1 1) '(0 0 0 0 0 0 )) ;expected result: '(1 1 1 1) (eliminateNsort '(25 15 5 15 25 35) '(5 10 15 20 30 70)) ;expected result: '(25 25 35) If you notice any problems in the above, please email or post. --Neelam