
Activity 1:

Process: 1. Make sure everyone in your group knows everyone else.
2. On a sheet standard notebook paper, write down the names of all the students who are in your group.
3. Each student should consider the question below individually for about three to five minutes.
4. Discuss each others' ideas as a group for about seven or eight minutes.
5. Have one student write down the *group's* consensus (or majority) answer to the question on the sheet of paper that has everyone's name on it. The written answer should be no more than two-thirds of the page in length; other students may suggest, hopefully minor, changes in the answer. Give the answer sheet to Neelam.
6. The whole process should take no more than 15-20 minutes.

Two-part question:
a. Would it be reasonable for a BNF grammar to include a non-terminal that does NOT appear on the right side of *any* of the productions in the grammar?
b. Could there be more than one such non-terminal? Explain briefly.
[Note that the question is not whether such grammars would be, from a formal point of view, acceptable grammars; the question is would they be reasonable?]