BS CSE Program: Accreditation Evaluation: Schedule

This is the current schedule; the only expected changes in it are the follow-up visits that may be scheduled for the morning of November 1.

Schedule for the CAC/EAC Evaluation of the BS-CSE Program

Note: "DL" is Dreese Labs. Most of the sessions are in Dreese Labs.

Sunday, October 30:
1:00-1:30: Meeting with Soundarajan (DL 298)
1:00 - 5:00: Review of course materials (DL 298)
5:30-???: Team meeting, dinner (???)


Monday, October 31:

Time Dr. Tuel Dr. Aylor (DL 395) Dr. Tuan (DL 298)
8:00 Opening Presentation by Dean Baeslack (Physics Research Bldg., Room 4138)
9:00 Dean
143 Hitchcock Hall
Zweben Bair
9:30 Babic Heym
10:00 Weide (Chair) (Chair's office, DL 395)
10:30 Steele (DL 374) Sadayppan Ramnath
11:00 Registrar (11:15)
Room 730, Lincoln Tower
(Transportation may be arranged.)
Fosler-Lussier Ferhatosmanoglu
11:30 Byron Gurari
12:00 Lunch (Grand Lounge, Faculty Club)
1:30 Computing Facilities Tour
Student Meeting, DL 305
3:30 Provost
Room 203, Bricker Hall
Mathias Xuan
4:00 Supowit Long
4:30 Team Working Session, DL 298
5:00 Debrief (Weide, Soundarajan) (DL 298?)
5:30 Team Meeting and Dinner (???)

Tuesday, November 1:

Morning: To be decided.
12:00: Team Meeting and Lunch
2:00-3:30: Exit Interview with Provost, Room 156, University Hall
   (Dept. chairs invited to come & listen.)
3:30: Team leaves campus.