Results of POCAT, Sp '18

Note: Three versions of the test were used in Sp'18. Although most questions were common to the different versions, a few were tweaked from one version to the next to allow us to pin down the specific difficulties students might be having related to the particular topics. There were 24 questions in each version of the test, many of which were based on the required courses; the ones that were based on electives had an option "I have not taken the course" that students were asked to pick if they had not taken the course. In addition, there were two questions about the test, the first about the length of the test ["too long", "too short", or "just right" being answers (a), (b), (c) respectively], the second about the difficulty of the test ["too difficult", "too easy", or "just right" being answers (a), (b), (c) respectively]. Most students felt the test was the right length and difficulty; the answers to these questions are not included in the tables below.

Students whose two-letter code starts with "B", "C", "D" or "E" took version 1 (V1) of the test; those whose code starts with "F", "G", "H" or "I" took version 2 (V2) of the test; those whose code starts with "J" or "K" took version 3 (V3) of the test. The students who took V1 or V2 were all BS-CSE majors; those who took V3 were all BS-CIS majors; but, given that the CS portion of the two programs are (nearly) identical, this fact should not make a difference. Below, we refer to the groups of students who took V1, V2, V3, respectively, as Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3 (also as G1, G2, G3).

One change from previous POCATs is that the results of all groups is reported in this common page rather than in separate pages as was done previously. BA-CIS students also took the POCAT. Their results are and will continue to be reported separately since the CS portion of their program is rather different from that of the BS-CSE and BS-CIS students and the test, correspondingly, quite different from the one for BS-CSE and BS-CIS students. One other change is that the comments that some students wrote in their POCATs are included in this page near the end; comments that duplicate what is contained in the other comments are not included.

The results, for each group, are reported in three tables below. (The print version includes only the comments and the second of the three tables since the print version is mainly used during the discussion in the Undergrad Studies Comm. and that discussion is based mainly on the information in the second table and the comments.)
The first table (for each group) is organized by student code. The first column lists the code of each student. Following this are columns, one for each question on the test; the answer picked by each student for that question is listed; the answer is in boldface if it is correct. The last column is a summary column that specifies the percentage of questions that each student answered correctly.

The second table (again, for each group) is organized by question. For each question, the first row lists the course(s) most closely related to the question. The second row lists the program outcomes that the question corresponds to; the full set of program outcomes is available elsewhere. The next several rows list, for each possible answer for each question, the number of students who picked the particular answer. For each question, the number of students who picked the right answer is in boldface; note that for some questions, because of ambiguity in the question or due to other reasons, more than one answer may be considered correct and, in this case, each of the corresponding numbers is in boldface. Note also that in the case of some questions, one of the possible "answers" that a student could choose was along the lines of "I have not taken the course and have no idea". Students who picked such an answer were not counted in computing these percentages; the number of students who picked such an answer is listed in parentheses.

The third table lists, for each question, the percentage of students who picked the correct answer for that question; or, in the case of questions that have more than one correct answer, picked any of the correct answers. The next row lists the percentage of students expected to answer this question correctly; this is a figure provided by the faculty member who designed the question, based on his or her experience with the course(s) in question. In those cases where the percentage of students answering a question is substantially different from the expected figure, especially if the problem seems to recur for similar questions over a number of offerings of POCAT, coordinator(s) for the course(s) and the faculty who regularly teach the course(s) will be expected to look into the problem and make any needed changes. The Undergraduate Studies Committee and the Curriculum Committee will coordinate these efforts.

In addition, the second table includes discrimination analysis of the results. The discrimination value of a question's response is, roughly, the fraction of "top" students that select it, minus the fraction of "bottom" students that select it. More precisely, for each answer for a question:
   Discrimination = Xt/Nt - Xb/Nb
where Xt (Xb) is the number of students from the top (bottom) quartile who selected that answer, and Nt (Nb) is the number of students in the top (bottom) quartile who answered the question; so Nt/Nb can be different for different questions. In general, a good question should have a correct answer with a large positive discrimination value; and all other answers (i.e., distractors) with negative discrimination values.

In the table, in order to focus on answers that either violate these requirements or meet them especially well, if the discrimination value for a correct answer is below +0.0 or above +0.5, it appears next to the number of students who chose that answer in square brackets or in parentheses respectively; if the discrimination value for a distractor is above 0.0 or below -0.2, the value appears in square brackets or in parentheses respectively. (So values in square brackets may indicate problems; values in parentheses may indicate a good question/distractor.) If the value for a correct answer is near or below 0, that suggests, depending on how many students chose the answer, either it is too simple a question or it is one where even good students are having trouble. In the former case, the question may need to be revised; in the latter, the course may need to be revised. If the value is above 0.5, depending on how many students chose the right answer, it may just be a good question or the topic may be getting across only to the best students (in which case the course needs to be revised). Similar explanations may be given in the case of distractors.

The third table (again, for each group) is organized by program outcome. For each outcome, the first row lists the numbers of the questions related to the outcome. The next row lists, for each outcome, the percentage of students who answered the questions related to the outcome, averaged over those questions. There is no "expected" row in this table. The Undergraduate Studies Committee will consider any corrective actions that may be needed based on the achievement figures in this table.

Table 1: Results of Individual Students (G1 )
CodeQ1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10Q11Q12Q13Q14Q15Q16Q17Q18Q19Q20Q21Q22Q23Q24% correct
Courses24212321, ...2331250133412221, ...3901, ...3321, 2321, ..2231, ...243124313421, ...2221, ...3241232123312331352135213541390232324471
BAbaccaabecccfadbfaceceeaa 80
BBbaacaabecccagdccdcecaaad 65
BCbacdaabebccaadbfaceceeaa 85
BDbaddcabcaccaadgfccccaeaa 60
BEdacgdafedacccdacacdfaaaa 52
BFfadcaabcdccacdbfffccaaad 60
BGbddccebfbacdbcgadaceebca 30
BHdabcaebbaccacebcadeeaeaa 55
BIdaccaabebceaaddfacececad 85
BJdccgaefebcecacacaacbaeda 36
BKccdcaabedcbbadccdceeaadc 40
BLfacgfgfeacdaadafdcbfaeab 45
BMdacccabadccgcdffacceaaaa 73
BNbaacaabebccaadecccecaacd 80
BObebccebeccacaeadacecaaad 52
BPcccbfafedeceedggbaebeeah 34
BQfaafaebeccbfadcefacfaaaa 27
BRdacceabebccaadcbdceaecad 76
BScaccaabedfcfadgddbebeead 57
BTcfdcefbcedcdaacfcfcgeaaa 25
BUdddccabbacceddbfbcebeadd 56
BVaacfaedbcccbcdcbdaeceeaa 47
BWbecdcabecacagbffaaebaaea 47
BXfadcdgbaeccaadefdcaaeaad 66
BYaabccabebcbaadfcacecceca 72
BZcadcaabeaccbgdbcddebaeaa 50
CAdadccabaacbbadcbdcecaaad 63
CBcaacaabbbacccdbbacecaaad 65
CCdacdcabeedbgadchdcegaecc 54
CDaebbcbbedccacdcbbcccaaea 47
CEbfcbcabecadebdfdbaebaaad 38
CFdadcaabebccgadafffeceeaa 78
CGbacccabebacfadffacebeeaa 76
CHfaccaabebcbdadbbdcaaeeaa 66
CIdcbdcebebccfedfcdcfgaead 50
CJffddcgbecccgadafdbcgaaaa 38
CKaacceebeaceaadccaaacaaca 57
CLbadgcabebccaadefdcaaeaca 78
CMacdcadbecabaaebcaaebaeed 38
CNbfdccababbcaadbdacedafaa 57
COdadccebaeccaadefaaaaeaca 77
CPbaccagbebccaadedacececca 80
CQdadccabeccbfadgcacaafaad 63
CRdacceabebccaadbfaaeaeaaa 84
CSaadfbabbbccaadbcdbeceaad 57
CTacdcecbdbcdggfcbccaeeefd 34
CUdacbcabebccaedbfacecaeaa 85
CVcacbcebeacbeadabadaafecc 50
CWdaccdabadccaadbfccccebca 71
CXaadccabacabcadbcacbbafcd 47
CYbadecabebccaadccaceceeaa 76
CZdadccabdbccaadaccdggaeca 65
DAdacccabebccaadgfdcegefaa 80
DBbacccdbabacgaacfacebaaaa 61
DCbaabcgbfbccaadfccaegecad 50
DDcaadcababccdcddfccegaacd 66
DEdadccababccaadffaaefeeaa 80
DFdcdcaabdcbcacdcdacebaaea 55
DGdabccababccaadebaceceeaa 90
DHaaccaaaeeccecdbfacecaaaa 73
DIbadccabbbcbaadadacaacaea 61
DJdadcaabebacaaddcdbefaacc 60
DKaadcaabeacceaddfaceaaacd 73
DLdaccfabeaccagdgdacecebad 73
DMbadfaabeaccgaebbdaeceaaa 47
DNeacccabebccaadbfdcecaeaa 85
DObacdcadebccccdbfacecaeaa 76
DPfccdcabebacacdeccceceaaa 71
DQfadcfabbbccaadafcaegaacd 65
DRdaddcdbacaccaebbacccaeaa 47
DSdaccaabebacbedccdcaaeeaa 68
DTdabcbabecccacdcdaaegaacd 68
DUdadbcebabccaadedadebecad 66
DVdaccaebecacfadebaceceeaa 75
DWbacfcabedccaadfcdceceaaa 70
DXcecdegbeadccaefddaaaeaad 31
DYdadccabebccaadbfacefaeea 80
DZdaddcafebcccadffadeceeda 68
EAdfdccebecccfadbcaaeaaaca 57
EBdacccfbfcccffdgbdadfhech 45
ECdadcfdbeacbfcdbffceceeaa 63
EDdadccabedccaaccfacegaaad 75
EEbfddcedeecceddbhdaaceaed 36
EFbedceabeacceadefaceeaaaa 63
EGceegaeaecabcadbadaeeaaaa 16
EHcabccabeccbdcdbfdeeceeed 62
EIcaabaabbbbcggdefdfccaaca 50
EJffcbaebebcbeadfcdefceeac 42
EKaaabaabfeccecdfcdbefaaad 45
ELbccccabadacagdedacefacaa 60
EMdacfaabebacccdfffcecaaaa 73
ENdadfaabebcceadddccecedad 66
EOcddccebbbcceedcddceceaac 50
EPcdcccgbacaaaaegbdaaaecaa 33
EQdacbcabedecfeafadagfeeaa 45
ERbcdccabebcbaadbbcccbaaah 50
ESfcdfaabebcccadgddcegfada 45
ETdadbcabacacaadbdaaebaaca 57
EUaadceabbacbaedbfdcfbaacc 45
EVdacgegbeeccaadgfdcefaaga 60
Summary: Bottom quartile: <= 47% correct;    Top quartile: >= 73% correct

Table 1: Results of Individual Students (G2 )
CodeQ1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10Q11Q12Q13Q14Q15Q16Q17Q18Q19Q20Q21Q22Q23Q24% correct
Courses24212321, ...2331250133412221, ...3901, ...3321, 2321, ..2231, ...243124313421, ...2221, ...3241, 232123312331352135213541390232324471
FAdadccababccaadefbcecacca 85
FBfcdecedecccaadaddeecaaca 47
FCdfdcfababccaadfdaeeceead 71
FDdadccebebccfbeffdefbeeaa 54
FEecdccafebcccadfbbcegfaad 52
FFdaccaabebccaadafaceeaaaa 94
FGdecccabebcdecddfbceeeeah 69
FHcadccabebcbacdgfaeegfeca 69
FIdcdccabebcaaadffbcefeaad 71
FJfadccabedabaadfcbeefaada 45
FKbccccababccdadfdaeecaaaa 66
FLbedccebbacccadafacaaaaaa 56
FMccccadbdbadcaacabccbaaee 25
FNdaccfebebccacaffceefeecc 66
FOdaccagbebaccedafaeccfecd 68
FPfadccebfccbcgdbfdeaafaed 38
FQfabcffbeeacggdehaceceeag 56
FRdadcaabecccaadcfdeecabaa 68
FSdacccefabccacdecbcgcafac 66
FTbabcaabebdefedafbcbbeccc 50
FUcadcaabeccaeaccfbcaafaah 44
FVcgccafbedcccadbhdcaaeaac 50
FWbccfcabacccaadcfbcaaeeaa 66
FXcddcadbcbdddaafhaaaaecad 31
FYdaccaabebacacdafbaeeeeaa 80
FZcddccafecacedbbcbacfaaca 28
GAcabccbaacacacdfcbeecaeaa 50
GBcacccebabccfadafbceeaaaa 70
GCaabcegfebaaaacgcdebcebaa 33
GDfdcefababccaadecbcggaeaa 57
GEdaccfebadccaadefbcfceeac 71
GFbacccdbebcceadafacecaeaa 84
GGdcdccababccaadadaceeaead 78
GHbaccdabeccbabcefbceceaaa 66
GIfacccabfbccggdgfdfggeaad 59
GJddccaabebccgadbfbeebafaa 63
GKccaccebcbdaeedcbdaebaacd 36
GLcaccaabebacgadbbbcccaafa 57
GMafdecebacacecdffccaaadaa 38
GNccecagbeadcececabcaaeead 45
GOfacccebedacagdbbdcebaacc 54
GPfabccefbbcaeadafbaaaeead 52
GQcadccabbbcbaddfbbcecefaa 59
GRbceccabadccaededbeeaaaca 57
GSffbcffbebdcaadffaefbaeaa 50
GTdadccabaaacfadbfdcedaaaa 61
GUbacecabadcafddcbbeecfedd 47
GVbcccffbaccdeadahaacbacaa 33
GWaaccaafebcceadfaaedbaaca 57
HAdadecabebcccadefacecacac 76
HBbadccabebcdfgdbfdcfceeaa 63
HCbabccebebccbaddfbaecafad 61
HDbcdecebebacebeefbcfcaead 50
HEdccccgbbbccacdgebeaaaadd 60
HFdcccaebebaceedfcbceceaad 61
HGdgcgcgaeadcaccebafecebgh 50
HHbaaccabbbccgbdgdbaeceaca 59
HIaceffebeacceadcaaeebfcea 31
HJdadccabbdcbacdbfbcceefaa 59
HKdaccaafedacaadecfcggeeaa 65
HLbadcaabecccaedefbefeaaaa 57
HMbcdecdbeadbeabcbbcgehaah 19
HNdaccaebebcbacdbfacecafaa 80
ILdcccdabedccaedbfbeeeaaac 57
IMcdacabbbcabeaefbdcecfaaa 26
INbedcccbedccacdecdcaaeaca 65
IOacccfefaeccgcdgbaeaaeeaa 47
IPcaccaabebcccadbfdeeeeeca 71
IQdcccaefccabeaegdaeaaeaag 27
IRdacccabedccacdefbcegafaa 80
ISdddceabadcceadebbaeceaad 60
ITdadccabeccbcedefbeececad 65
Summary: Bottom quartile: <= 50% correct;    Top quartile: >= 66% correct

Table 1: Results of Individual Students (G3 )
CodeQ1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10Q11Q12Q13Q14Q15Q16Q17Q18Q19Q20Q21Q22Q23Q24% correct
Courses24212321, ...2331250133412221, ...3901, ...3321, 2321, ..2231, ...243124313421, ...2221, ...3241, 232123312331352135213541390232324471
JAbacecbbaaccaadffacefaaca 73
JBdgcccabacbccadgabfcgaaad 47
JCbebccabeacbeadfcafdbeaaa 50
JDdadefabaacceadgdaeegaacc 55
JEbcccaabeacaeadefaceceeaa 80
JFbacecabeaccccdbfdccceeca 73
JGbcccbebbacbbdaacbaeceeaa 42
JHaddfeebeaaceabfdbcecaafg 33
JIfadcaabeaccfafeaaafaaaca 61
JKdedcaabbaccfadgbbcaceeed 61
JLceaccebaaccbgdgbbeaafaca 42
JNbgaecfbeaabebacadaccaaae 23
JObaccdabcacceaaebdeeceeca 63
JPdacceabedcceadffbeefaaaa 63
JQcacccadeaccedeadacecfeaa 66
JRbddccabeaacaadbcdfegaaaa 52
JSbadccafeaccfgdgcbceeeadc 52
JTbaaccadcaabccafabeecfead 43
JUdaccaabeaccacdafaeecaacd 95
JVdgfeaafeaacbadgbdcecaead 55
JWbacccabecccfcdeebccceaad 72
JXfgccfebeaccagbgcdeggaacd 45
JYfacccabbaccccdfeaeeeaaad 66
JZdccccabfaccecdfebcccaada 61
KAdadcaabeaccbadbfaecdaaaa 66
KBfaecfebeaceeadegffecaaaa 52
KCdadfaebdadcaacafbecgaaad 44
KDaabecabeacceddfabcecaaaa 60
KEcaccfabeaccfadafafaaeafa 72
KFdaccaafeaccaadedbceceeaa 85
KGfadcfafaaccaadggffccecad 52
KZcabccaabacceedfabaecefcd 54
LAcacccabaacbbcdafbcecaaad 78
LBfacccabeaccaadecaeebeeca 81
LCdaccaabaadbaadadcceaaaaa 73
Summary: Bottom quartile: <= 50% correct;    Top quartile: >= 72% correct

Table 2: Summary Results( for G1 )
Courses24212321, ...2331250133412221, ...3901, ...3321, 2321, ..2231, ...243124313421, ...2221, ...3241232123312331352135213541390232324471
107085254 1 11111538543113310
 0 6 8     87 111  2120010
                              2        10  3
% Correct397240607267907644727547478513384359744587725973
% Expected608050706070806060608060808050808060707070706070

Table 2: Summary Results( for G2 )
Courses24212321, ...2331250133412221, ...3901, ...3321, 2321, ..2231, ...243124313421, ...2221, ...3241, 232123312331352135213541390232324471
93029492 0 6001536
 2 1 5     65 70  56
                              4        10  4
% Correct375444867551837652666843428026502650664676566354
% Expected608050706070806060608060808050808060707070706070

Table 2: Summary Results( for G3 )
Courses24212321, ...2331250133412221, ...3901, ...3321, 2321, ..2231, ...243124313421, ...2221, ...3241, 232123312331352135213541390232324471
1 0 5
 4 0 0     03
2  15
                                        00  0
% Correct316551776577807191777725467425253140656181836675
% Expected608050706070806060608060808050808060707070706070

Table 3: Outcomes Achievement Results ( for G1 )
Outcome a b c e f g k l m n
Related Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 23 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 16, 20, 23 4 7 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 1, 3, 5, 10, 23
Average Achievement % 54 63 61 52 60 90 61 57 55 56
Expected Achievement % 66 71 68 63 70 80 67 68 66 58

Table 3: Outcomes Achievement Results ( for G2 )
Outcome a b c e f g k l m n
Related Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 23 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 16, 20, 23 4 7 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 1, 3, 5, 10, 23
Average Achievement % 51 58 54 53 86 83 55 53 51 57
Expected Achievement % 66 71 68 63 70 80 67 68 66 58

Table 3: Outcomes Achievement Results ( for G3 )
Outcome a b c e f g k l m n
Related Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 23 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 16, 20, 23 4 7 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 1, 3, 5, 10, 23
Average Achievement % 55 60 59 53 77 80 57 55 56 58
Expected Achievement % 66 71 68 63 70 80 67 68 66 58

Student comments

Comments or questions about this page should be sent to neelam AT