Results of POCAT, Spring 2010

Note: 44 students took the POCAT in Spring '10. There were 21 questions in the test, 19 of which were based on the required courses, the 20th was based on CSE 581, and the 21st was based on CSE 630. For these last two questions, students who had not taken the course could choose answer (g) ["I have not taken the course"]. In addition, there were two questions about the test, the first about the length of the test ["too long", "too short", or "just right" being answers (a), (b), (c) respectively], the second about the difficulty of the test ["too difficult", "too easy", or "just right" being answers (a), (b), (c) respectively]. Most students felt the test was the right length and difficulty; the answers to these questions are not included in the tables below.

Some of the questions are based on the "new model" of POCAT; i.e., they correspond to specific learning outcomes of the courses in question. For these questions, the test paper available on-line (but not the one that the students used during the test) includes this information.

The results are reported in three tables below. The first table is organized by student code. The first column lists the code of each student. Following this are columns, one for each question on the test; the answer picked by each student for that question is listed. The last column is a summary column that specifies the percentage of questions that each student answered correctly.

CodeQ1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10Q11Q12Q13Q14Q15Q16Q17Q18Q19Q20Q21% correct
AAcebabddccccabeacfadcc 52
ABaebcdedcbcdbdabcdceca 52
ACcabadddcccdbcafeaaddd 57
ADcabdadbccadbbagccdace 42
AEaabaeddcbccadaaccadcd 90
AFcabadcdcbecabagefaagg 47
AGaebdabaceadbeagccddgb 40
AHaabacdbcccbbccdccadcg 70
AJccaahbdcdedbdaaeacagb 30
AKcabcfccdbccbdafdadagg 42
ALeabadbdcdddbfadcdadcd 61
AMaabaeddcccebfagebadce 66
ANeebaddbccecbeegcfdacg 40
AOaabcadddbdcbdaeccadce 71
APdcbadddcadebdcdcabdcb 52
AQaabadddccccbbafbbddcd 66
AReabcddbcccdbdcfcadedg 40
ASaabaeddcbceabafebadgd 70
ATdcaafdbcdcdbeaaeaceca 33
AUaaaadddccdcbbaeddbdcb 52
AVdababcdcbddabagdcddce 47
AWeabagdcccccbbcdcbddgg 57
AXacbddcdceddbeafcbddgb 40
AYdeddadbceeabfaeecbage 25
AZcababddcaccbecfcdbegg 52
BAcabcbadcbdcabaabbcdgd 45
BBcadafadcddcbccaeaaacg 40
BCaedaadaddccbdegcbddcg 50
BDacbaeddcbcdbdaacbadcd 80
BEeadadddcacccbagccadgg 63
BFcabadddccccbdagdbadcb 66
BGaabaeadcaeabbaacdadge 60
BHaabcaddcbccbdaacbadgg 78
BJaabcdadcbcaadaaddadgg 57
BKcebedddccecddegefddgg 36
BLccbadddccceacefcdddcb 42
BMaebadedeceebdbgcfaegg 42
BNaabceddcbdcaeafccadgd 75
BPacbacbddbccbdagcacdcd 66
BQcabaebdcaccadcaebadcb 57
BRaabaaadcbcdbbbgcbadcg 65
BSaabadbdccacadcacfbdcg 55
BTaabaadccdcebdagefaddg 60
BUaabaeddcbdcabafcbedcd 71
BVcabadddcaccbdcfcdddcg 65

The next table is organized by question. For each question, the first row lists the course(s) most closely related to the question. The second row lists the program outcomes that the question corresponds to; the full set of program outcomes is available elsewhere. The next several rows list, for each possible answer for each question, the number of students who picked the particular answer. For each question, the number of students who picked the right answer is in boldface; note that for some questions, because of ambiguity in the question or due to other reasons, more than one answer may be considered correct and, in this case, each of the corresponding numbers is in boldface. The next row lists, for each question, the percentage of students who picked the correct answer for that question; or, in the case of questions that have more than one correct answer, picked any of the correct answers. Note also that in the case of some questions, one of the possible "answers" that a student could choose was along the lines of "I have not taken the course and have no idea". Students who picked such an answer were not counted in computing these percentages; the number of students who picked such an answer is listed in parentheses. The next row lists the percentage of students expected to answer this question correctly; this is a figure provided by the faculty member who designed the question, based on his or her experience with the course(s) in question. In those cases where the percentage of students answering a question is substantially different from the expected figure, especially if the problem seems to recur for similar questions over a number of offerings of POCAT, coordinator(s) for the course(s) and the faculty who regularly teach the course(s) will be expected to look into the problem and make any needed changes. The Undergraduate Studies Committee and the Curriculum Committee will coordinate these efforts.

Courses625, etc.680601541560221, etc.625625655655660675660670670680680680221, etc.581630
58 18201376 6531101506
0   3    0  3 1107 000
0   1              (17)(18)
% Correct48668471176275883355516842648602046738937
% Expected605060606070606060708080505050608080808070

The next table is organized by program outcome. For each outcome, the first row lists the numbers of the questions related to the outcome. The next row lists, for each outcome, the percentage of students who answered the questions related to the outcome, averaged over those questions. There is no "expected" row in this table. The Undergraduate Studies Committee will consider any corrective actions that may be needed based on the achievement figures in this table.

Outcome a b c e f k
Questions 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21 1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16 3 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Average Achievement % 50 54 53 50 84 52

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