Parallel and High Performance Visualization Algorithms


Parallel processing plays an increasingly more important role in the area of scientific visualization as the size of data continues to increase. Although  many parallel visualization algorithms have been developed in the past, the complexity and scale of the data generated by petascale (soon to be exascale) simulations demand even greater advancement in fundamental parallel visualization algorithms and system designs.One important mission of the GRAVITY  Research Group is to develop  high performance scalable parallel visualization algorithms targeted at very large scale data sets. To date, our research has covered a wide range of topics in this area, including:

  1. Image Compositing

  2. Multiresolution Rendering

  3. I/O Optimization

  4. Parallel Feature Extraction

  5. Time-Critical Rendering

Publications on Parallel and High Performance Visualization

Image Compositing

Beyond Binary Swap

Tom Peterka, David Goodwell, Rob Ross, Han-Wei Shen, and Rajiv Takur. A configurable algorithm for parallel image compositing applications. In SC '09: Proceedings of ACM Supercomputing 2009, pages 1-10, 2009.

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More on Radix-K

Wes Kendall, Tom Peterka, Jian Huang, Han-Wei Shen, and Robert Ross. Accelerating and benchmarking radix-k image compositing at large scale. In EGPGV '10: Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2010, pages 101-110, May 2010.

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Multiresolution Rendering

Image Space Quality Metric

Chaoli Wang, Antonio Garcia, and Han-Wei Shen. Interactive level-of-detail selection using image-based quality metric for large volume visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13(1):122-134, 2007.

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Load Balancing for Multiresolution Volume Rendering

Jinzhu Gao, Chaoli Wang, Liya Li, and Han-Wei Shen. A parallel multiresolution volume rendering algorithm for large data visualization. Parallel Computing, 31(2):185-204, 2005.

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GPU-based Wavelet Transform

Antonio Garcia and Han-Wei Shen. GPU-based 3D wavelet reconstruction with tileboarding. The Visual Computer, 21(8):755-763, 2005.

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Time-Varying Multi-resolution Data Hierarchy

Chaoli Wang, Jinzhu Gao, Liya Li, and Han-Wei Shen. A multiresolution volume rendering framework for large-scale time-varying data visualization. In VG '05: Proceedings of the Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Workshop on Volume Graphics 2005, pages 11-19, 2005.

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Parallel Multiresolution Volume Rendering

Chaoli Wang, Jinzhu Gao, and Han-Wei Shen. Parallel multiresolution volume rendering of large data sets with error-guided load balancing. In EGPGV '04: Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2004, pages 23-30, 2004.

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Parallel Load Balancing

Multi-GPU Isosurface Extraction

Steven Martin, Han-Wei Shen, and Patrick McCormick. Load-balanced isosurfacing on multi-GPU clusters. In EGPGV '10: Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2010, pages 91-100, May 2010.

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Time-Varying Data Shuffling

Antonio Garcia and Han-Wei Shen. Asynchronous rendering of time-variant volumes with workload-based data shuffling. In HPC spring simulation multiconference, 2005.

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Interleaved Rendering Scheme

Antonio Garcia and Han-Wei Shen. An interleaved parallel volume renderer with pc-clusters. In EGPGV '02: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2002, pages 51-59. Eurographics Association Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland, 2002.

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I/O Optimization

Visibility-based I/O optimization

Yuan Hong, Tom Peterka, and Han-Wei Shen. Histogram-based i/o optimization for visualizing large-scale data. In Ultrascale Visualization Workshop in ACM Supercomputing 2009, 2009.

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Parallel I/O

Rob Ros, Tom Peterka, Han-Wei Shen, Yuan Hong, Kwan-Liu Ma, Hong feng Yu, and Ken Moreland. Visualization and parallel i/o at extreme scale. Proceedings of SciDAC 2008, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 125:012013, 2008.

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Feature Extraction

Reflective Symmetry

Yuan Hong and Han-Wei Shen. Parallel reflective symmetry transformation for volume data. Computers & Graphics, 32(1):41-45, January 2008.

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Yuan Hong and Han-Wei Shen. Parallel reflective symmetry transformation for volume data. In EGPGV '07: Proceedings of Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2007, pages 77-85, 2007.

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Time-Critical Rendering


Xinyue Li and Han-Wei Shen. Time-critical multiresolution volume rendering using 3D texture mapping hardware. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics 2002, pages 29-36. IEEE Press Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2002.

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Fuzzy Logic

Xinyue Li and Han-Wei Shen. Adaptive volume rendering using fuzzy logic control. In 2001 Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization. Springer, 2001.

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Han-Wei Shen and Xinyue Li. Time-critical volume rendering. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 Technical Sketches and Applications, 2001.

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Visibility Culling for Volume Rendering

Time-Varying Data

Jinzhu Gao, Han-Wei Shen, Jian Huang, and James Arthur Kohl. Visibility culling for time-varying volume rendering using temporal occlusion coherence. In Vis '04: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 2004, pages 147-154. IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA, 2004.

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Plenoptic Functions

Jinzhu Gao, Jian Huang, Han-Wei Shen, and James Arthur Kohl. Visibility culling using plenoptic opacity functions for large volume visualization. In Vis '03: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 2003, pages 341-348, 2003.

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