Medical Visualization


Our focus on medical visualization is on real time volume rendering of 3D medical imaging data. We have also collaborated with Ohio Supercomputer Center on the NIH funded temporal bone dissection project. Two key issues for successfully applying volume rendering techniques to medical applications are real time rendering performance and visual realism in the rendered images. There is also a need to have an optimal display of pre-segmented data with sufficient contextual information. Finally, as high resolution medical scanning devices become increasingly accessible, there is a pressing need to develop interactive rendering and analysis tools that can handle large scale 3D and 4D medical data.

More information on GRAVITY member Thomas Kerwin’s web site

Publications on Medical Visualization

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Feature Enhancement using Weighted Distance Field

Thomas Kerwin, Han-Wei Shen andf Brad Hittle, Don Stredney, and Gregory Wiet. Anatomical volume visualization with weighted distance fields. In Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, 2010.

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Rendering Wet Surfaces

Thomas Kerwin, Han-Wei Shen, and Don Stredney. Enhancing realism of wet surfaces in temporal bone surgical simulations. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15(5):747-758, Sep 2009.

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Interactive Volume Manipulations

T. Kerwin, Han-Wei Shen, and D. Stredney. Capture and review of interactive volumetric manipulations for surgical training. In VG '06: Proceedings of the Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Workshop on Volume Graphics 2006, pages 71-74, 2006.

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A YouTube movie on the temporal bone surgical simulator