Vector and Flow Visualization


Fluid flow simulations play an important role in many scientific disciplines, for example, in the modeling of thermal hydraulics in a nuclear reactor, the blood flow in our heart chambers, and the ocean circulation in climate models. Effective visualization of 3D time-varying flow fields play a crucial role in understanding the complex dynamics of the flow data generated from those simulations. For the past two decades, researchers have developed various visualization techniques to enable effective analysis of large scale simulation output. Among the many directions of research,   visualization of flow fields remains to be one of the most challenging problems in the field. As part of our endeavor in scientific visualization, Prof. Shen and his GRAVITY research group has developed many novels techniques in the past 2 decades to facilitate effective analysis and visualization of flow data. Our research focus includes:

  1. Flow Feature Analysis and Exploration

  2. 2D and 3D Flow Line Seed Placement 

  3. Flow Texture Synthesis

  4. Large Scale Particle Tracing

An example of our research can be found in this magazine article published in Computer Graphics Quarterly, an ACM SIGGRAPH publication.


Publications on Vector and Flow Data Visualization

Flow Feature Analysis and Exploration

Information-theoretic Framework

Lijie Xu, Teng-Yok Lee, and Han-Wei Shen. An information-theoretic framework for flow visualization. Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (special issue of IEEE Visualization 2010)

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Flow Analysis using Graphs

Lijie Xu and Han-Wei Shen. Flow web: A graph based user interface for 3d flow field exploration. In Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE Visualization and Data, Jan. 2010.

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Streamline Seed Placement

Illustrative Seed Placement with Scalar Gradients

Liya Li, Hsien-His Hsieh, and Han-Wei Shen. Illustrative streamline placement and visualization. In PacificVis '08: Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2008, pages 79-86, 2008.

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Image Based Streamline Placement (IEEE Vis06 Best Poster Award)

Liya Li and Han-Wei Shen. Image-based streamline generation and rendering. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13(3):630-640, 2007.

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Flow Texture Synthesis

Volume Textures

Hsien-His Hsieh, Liya Li, Han-Wei Shen, and Wen-Kai Tai. A volume rendering framework for visualization of 3d flow fields. Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, 3(4):563-575, 2008.

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Multileresolution Textures

Liya Li and Han-Wei Shen. View-dependent multi-resolutional flow texture advection. In Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE Visualization and Data Analysis, volume 6060, pages 24-34, 2006.

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Textures with Appearance Control

Han-Wei Shen, Udeepta Bordoloi, and Guo-Shi Li. Interactive visualization of three-dimensional vector fields with flexible appearance control. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 10(4):434-445, 2004.

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Guo-Shi Li, Udeepta Bordoloi, and Han-Wei Shen. Chameleon: An interactive texture-based rendering framework for visualizing three-dimensional vector fields. In Vis '03: Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization 2003, pages 241-248, 2003.

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Hierarchical LIC

Udeepta Bordoloi and Han-Wei Shen. Hardware accelerated interactive vector field visualization: A level of detail approach. Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2002), 21:605-614, 2002.

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Flow Volumes

Roger A. Crawfis, Han-Wei Shen, and Nelson Max. Flow visualization techniques for cdf using volume rendering. In 9th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2000.

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Unsteady Flow LIC

Han-Wei Shen and David L. Kao. A new line integral convolution algorithm for visualizing time-varying flow fields. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 4(2):98-108, 1998.

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LIC and Dye Advection

Han-Wei Shen, Christopher R. Johnson, and Kwan-Liu Ma. Visualizing vector fields using line integral convolution and dye advection. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization 1996, pages 63-70, 1996.

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