

Possible Project Topics:

  1. 1.Contour trees

  2. 2.Contour spectrum proposed in the following paper:

     C. Bajaj, V. Pascucci, and D. R. Schikore, The Contour Spectrum, Proc. of IEEE Visualization ’97, pp. 167-175, 1997.

  1. 3.  Isosurface Similarity Maps. Stefan Bruckner, Torsten Möller, EuroVis 2010

  2. 4. High-quality pre-integrated volume rendering using hardware-accelerated pixel shading

  3. 5. Continuous scatterplots, by Sven bachthaler and Daniel Weiskoph, iEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 14, No. 6)

  4. 6.Global illumination and rendering for large number of particles 

  5. 7.Effective drawing of graphs

  6. 8. Generation of Accurate Integral Surfaces in Time-Dependent Vector Fields, by C. Garth, H. Krishnan, X. Tricoche, T. Tricoche, K. Joy, IEEE TVCG vol. 14 no. 6

  7. 9.Hierarchical indexing for out-of-core access to multi-resolution data, by V. Pascucci and R. Frank, SC’02

  8. 10. Carlos Eduardo Scheidegger, John M. Schreiner, Brian Duffy, Hamish Carr, Cláudio T. Silva: Revisiting Histograms and Isosurface Statistics. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(6): 1659-1666 (2008)

More to come. Your suggestions for others and your own projects are certainly welcome.

Below is a similar but somewhat more detailed page created by Teng-Yok Lee.

(click on the links to find out the project detail)

Bhattacharya, Arindam

Biswas, Ayan

Busaryev, Oleksiy


Chen, Chun-Ming


Feng, Renguo

Hong, Yuan

Lee, Teng-Yok

Liu, Wei

Lu, Kewei

Maung, David

Meng, Nan

Nouanesengsy, Boonthanome

Onti Srinivasan, Raghuram

Shah, Michael

Shi, Yinxuan

Suttmiller, Alex

Tong, Xin

Wang, Lei

Wang, Zhi

Wei, Chenjie

Wei, Tzu-Husan

Wieser, Weston

Zhu, Jiaqi

Student Projects (also the presentation order)

You will give two presentations to the class about your project. One is a project overview presentation, and the other is the final presentation. The project overview presentation will start on 2/22. Between 2/22 and 3/3, in each class I expect to have 3 students present their projects. In the presentation, you will have 10 minutes of time, where you will give us an overview of your project, the background, and your current progress. As a rule of thumb, you will need to prepare no more than 10 slides.  The order of the presentation is determined based on  students’ last names alphabetically.

The final project presentation will take place in our final exam time. The time is based on the official final exam scheduled by the  university.

About your project presentation