Kathryn M. Reeves
TR 11:30-12:45pm

Spring 2005


01  TIME-IN.
    05 TS-HR  PIC 99.
    05 TS-MIN PIC 99.
    05 TS-SEC PIC 99.
    05  TS-HR-OUT PIC 99.
    05  PIC X VALUE ":".
    05  TS-MIN-OUT PIC 99.
    05  PIC X VALUE ":".
    05  TS-SEC-OUT PIC 99.
    05  AMPM-OUT PIC XX.

IF TS-HR = 0

    IF TS-HR >= 1 AND <= 11
        IF TS-HR = 12
              MOVE TS-HR TO TS-HR-OUT
              MOVE "PM" TO AMPM-OUT
              MOVE "PM" TO AMPM-OUT


  • 5 pts = on 3/31, in class, created input record layouts and output printer spacing chart (on paper) and turned it in at the end of class
  • 5 pts each = given on 4/7, two practice worksheets (last two worksheets as given out in class; Record Layout Questions and File Input/Output Program as given below), due T 4/12 at the beginning of class
  • 5-10 pts = input files for labs 3-7 (see instructor for sign up list)
  • 3 pts = arithmetic statement practice problem (see below link in practice packet - also given out in class); given 4/21 due 4/26
  • 3 pts = scope problem (link given below under handouts/examples); there are 7 questions; given 4/21 due 4/26
  • 6 pts = debugger (link given below under handouts/examples and handed out in class); given 4/21 due 4/26
  • 5 pts = bad IF with perform varying;  given 4/28 due 5/3
  • 10 pts, up to = Create T/F (0.5 pt each), multiple choice questions (1 pt each), programming problem (like page 5 on midterm) in detail (5 pts), short answers (1 pt each), code evaluation (3 pts for code). Subject material for questions:  IF, Perform, and/or single control break.  Answers MUST be given.  Due by EMAIL:  Tuesday, 5/17 10am.


Statements for File Input and Output (click here)
Output/Write with Underline (click here)
Scope (click here)
Debugger (click here)
IF Example (click here)

Bad IF with Perform/Varying (click here)
Sign Test (click here)
Class Test (click here)
Single Control Break Algorithm Example (project description, input, program, output)
Double Control Break Algorithm Example (input, program, output)
String Examples (click here)
Unstring Examples (click here)

Practice Packet List

  1. Lab1 Part A Unix True/False Questions (click here)
  2. Lab1 Part B True/False Questions (click here)
  3. Input Record Layout Practice (click here)
  4. Record Layout Fields Yes/No (click here)
  5. Record Layout Questions (click here)
  6. File Input/Output Program (click here)
  7. Edited Input/Output (click here)
  8. Arithmetic Statement (click here)
  9. Single Control Break fill-in-the-blank (click here)

FYI - Practice Quiz#1 from WI04... sorry, no answers!
FYI - Practice Quizzes from AU03 - Quiz3, Quiz4, Quiz5, Quiz6... sorry, no answers at this time!

FYI - Practice Midterm... Practice Midterm AU01 - again, sorry, no answers at this time!


05/23 - Student created Quiz#2 Study Guide!
05/12 - Quiz#2 will be given on Tuesday 5/24.  The subject material covers:  IF statements, logical and relational operators, conditions, implied conditions, condition names (level 88), sign test, class test, all perform statement variations, and the single control break algorithm.
04/22 - The MIDTERM will be given in class on Thursday May 5th.  The entire class time will be used for this exam.  What it will cover will be discussed closer to the actual exam date.
04/14 - LAB DATA FILE INFO: When you sign up to do an input file for participation points, you will need to give me access to the file.  In order to do this, you need to change the permission on the file so that I can read it.  Using chmod and 755 with the filename is appropriate.  It is easier if you put the input file in your home directory so you don't have to give me access to your folder as well!  Let me know when your input file is done (email me) and I will also need to know your home direcory path name (home/4/jones) or whatever folder you choose to put it in. 
04/14 - Schedule change!!!  My Wednesday meeting has been moved to Thursday causing a conflict with already scheduled office hours :o(  See schedule link on main webpage for update!
04/14 - Don't forget to put comments in your lab2 program.  They should include the author name (doesn't actually have to be a comment!), purpose of the program in the identification division, and at least one comment per paragraph.  You do not necessarily need to comment your environment or data division, however, you may find it useful.  Remember to indent nicely and have good variable names, too!  The flow of your program should be logical and relatively easy to follow (this will help you down the road also when the programs get larger!).
04/14 - Quiz#1 will be given on Thursday 4/21 at the beginning of class.  The test will take between 30 and 45 minutes.  Lecture will take place after the quiz.  The material covered will include lab1, lab2 and all slides and handouts covered/given in class up through Tuesday 4/12.  Material starting on Thursday (move statements, edited I/O, scope terminators, accept time and date, etc. will NOT be on quiz#1). 
04/14 - Corrections have been made to both lab2 input files as well as the WRITE, ACCEPT TIME, and ACCEPT DATE slides.
04/11 - I noticed that the "assign" and "due" dates were incorrect on the Lab2 handouts... they say the month of March instead of April; the day values are correct.  I've updated the month portion of the dates on the syllabus links for both Lab2 topics (car and football)!
04/08 - Above, between the FYI practice exams and the participation points, are the links for the practice problems given out in class.  I'm putting them here instead of on the syllabus!

04/08 - The car buying and football statistic tracking lab2 handouts were given out on Thursday 4/7 in class.  You are to choose ONE project for the entire quarter i.e. either the car buying project or the football project.  It will NOT be in your best interest to change subject material anytime during the quarter!
- If you ever have a problem with your cse account or questions about it, you can email help@cse.ohio-state.edu for more information.
04/05 - I've emailed help@cse.ohio-state.edu to ask if the compile command can be used within emacs.  I'll let you know when I get a response.  Normally, I open two windows by using the % emacs filename & command in order to compile/run in one window and update the source file in the other window.

04/05 - Lab2 will be given in class on Thursday 4/7 along with additional participation points.
04/05 - For lab1in.dat, be careful of the column number.  At the bottom of the emacs file, the column number will sometimes start with column 0 (instead of 1) and that could throw off the storing of your data into the FD declarations.  If this is the case, then the number of hours worked value should actually start in column 20 since columns 0-19 are the first 20 positions in the record.
04/05 - It has come to my attention that the copier didn't work very well on printing some portions of the lab1.cob program.  If you are having problems, check the on-line version of the program.  The one glaring problem is in the procedure division in the 100-main-module paragraph on the 6th statement:
          perform 200-wage-routine
                until are-there-more-records = "no".
where the = sign may look like a dash!

03/31 - Don't forget to think about a subject or two that you would like to suggest for the lab project.  We will talk more about this on Tuesday and choose 2 of the most popular topics for this quarter's labs!
03/31 - Since I changed what used to be called "pre-lab" to Lab1, I may have missed updating some of the "pre-lab" references in the Lab1 handout.  If this is the case, please let me know, and be sure to assume I mean Lab1 not "pre-lab".  However, I did put the variable "prelab" for the program-id paragraph in the identification division.  I decided not to change this as it also changes some of the HW questions!
03/31 - I forgot to mention that I will be on vacation Friday 4/1, so will not be in my office for office hours!
03/31 - If you are working on your lab1 this weekend... you will see what are called "control characters" in your output file if you are looking at the emacs file.  These are the funky ^M characters at the end of each line.  They are directions for the printer!  That is, the ^M tells the printer to advance to the next line.  You will see other control characters in the emacs view of your output file throughout the quarter.
03/31 - Although you will see that there are consultants in the lab, I checked with the facility that hires the consultants and at this time, there isn't any consultant with a COBOL background :o(
03/31 - Important announcements in class:

  • your default password for your UNIX account is the last 4 numbers of your SSN plus the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name
  • UNIX is case sensitive
  • be sure to subscribe to the COBOL compiler in order to complete your first lab (see page 9 of the unix tutorial)
  • Lab 1 is due Thursday 4/7 by midnight
  • When you submit a lab, an email confirmation is sent to your CSE email.  This email address is your accountname@cse.ohio-state.edu.  You can use these emails to verify that you have correctly submitted your lab material.

03/31 - Syllabus update... I've changed the first lab from a participation point pre-lab to a 20 point lab1.  I'm not exactly sure what all the point designations will be for each lab, but the % of all the labs toward your final grade won't change i.e. will still remain 30%.
03/31 - The final exam is university scheduled on Tues, June 7th from 11:30-1:18pm in DL305.
COURSE BOOK: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - COBOL for the 21st Century, 10th ed. by Stern, Stern & Ley

03/31 - This class will take a significant amount of your time.  Please be aware that spending an average of 9 hours a week outside of class on your labs and exams is normal for this course (and that's just the average!).