Lab1 HW Part A (Unix Tutorial)


  1. What does CDE stand for?  Common Desktop Environment
  2. What is UNIX?  an operating system
  3. What’s a file?  a container that holds information
  4. How do you determine the data type of a file? by determining the format of the file; either by the file extension (.xls, .doc) or by the icon used to represent the file
  5. What is the maximum allowable size of a file name for our system? didn’t find one! tried up to 78 characters for the file name and still worked! Maybe 256?!
  6. What is the relationship between folders and files?  a folder is a container for files or other folders
  7. What is the relationship between a folder and a directory? folders are often referred to as directories i.e. the terms can be used interchangeably
  8. What is the absolute path(s) to lab4?  /usr/314/lab4 OR /usr/201/labs/lab4
  9. What is the absolute path to prelab.cob? /usr/314/prelab.cob
  10. What is a parent folder?  also called the “dot-dot” folder; is represented  by .. in a path name; the parent folder is the folder one level up in the folder hierarchy
  11. If your current folder is /usr/314/lab2, what is the relative path to lab1a.cob?  ../lab1/lab1a.cob
  12. What is your account name?  example: smith
  13. What is the home directory path name on your CIS314 account?  example: /n/bronze/8/smith    currently: /home/5/reeves
  14. What server are you on?  for the above example: bronze   currently:  not clear anymore!
  15. What is the tilde ~ character used for?  can be used as a shortcut for getting to your home directory; can also be used by itself to refer to your own home directory
  16. What do you do to your terminal if/when you need to step out of the lab for a few minutes?  press the “lock” icon on the top-left part of the CDE center section
  17. Are the filenames ABC.txt and abc.txt the same file?  Explain.  No, because Unix is case-sensitive
  18. When using the command:  ls  –l  /usr/class/cis314 does the prompt change from your root directory to the absolute path name listed on the command?  Why or why not?  No, because the ls command lists the contents of a directory, but does not change to that directory (i.e. folder) so the prompt does not change
  19. How do you stop/exit a Unix command?   CTRL-C that is pressing the ctrl key and the c key at the same time (usually by holding down the ctrl key then pressing the c key and letting both go)
  20. What is an editor?  Give an example of one.  an software application that edits text; XEmacs
  21. What is the name of our COBOL compiler?  AcuCobol
  22. Why do you need to subscribe to the COBOL compiler?  so that you can compile and run any source code program written in COBOL
  23. What command checks the permissions of a file?  ls –l (be careful with the wording of problems in this course… the ls –l command CHECKS the permission of a file; the chmod command CHANGES the permissions of a file)
  24. If you have a problem with your account, whom do you contact?  the consultant in the lab; if you need more help, email and please copy me on that email!
  25. Why can you not work on just any computer on campus?  because the account you have is associated with the CSE servers only; your account is not recognized by just any and all servers on  campus (although you can telnet, etc, from other servers to a CSE server if you know how, then log on to your CSE account)

FYI:  You should be familiar with the following list of Unix commands:  mkdir, rmdir, ls, cd, cp, mv, rm, cat, more, and chmod.