identification division.

       program-id.    lab6asub.


       data division.

       working-storage section.


       linkage section.

       01 current-time.

          05 ct-hh          pic 99.

          05 ct-mm          pic 99.

       01 new-time.

          05 mt-hh          pic z9.

          05                pic x value ":".

          05 mt-mm          pic 99.

          05                pic x value space.

          05 mt-ampm        pic xx.


       procedure division using current-time new-time.


           move ct-mm to mt-mm.

           if ct-hh = 0

               move 12 to mt-hh

               move "AM" to mt-ampm

           else if ct-hh < 12

               move ct-hh to mt-hh

               move "AM" to mt-ampm

           else if ct-hh = 12

               move ct-hh to mt-hh

               move "PM" to mt-ampm


               subtract 12 from ct-hh giving mt-hh

               move "PM" to mt-ampm



           exit program.