identification division.
       program-id. sign-testing.

       environment division.
       input-output section.
           select test-sign-in2 assign to"testsignin2.dat"
                  organization is line sequential.
           select test-sign-in3 assign to "testsignin3.dat"
               organization is line sequential.
           select test-sign-out assign to "testsignout.dat"
               organization is line sequential.

       data division.
       file section.

       fd test-sign-in2.
       01 test-sign-in-rec2.
           05 temp-low      pic -999.
           05 temp-high     pic -999.
       fd test-sign-in3.
       01 test-sign-in-rec3.




-001 035


 001 019





-001 035

 032 045

 001 019


           05 temp-noon     pic -999.
           05 temp-eve      pic -999.

       fd test-sign-out.
       01 test-sign-out-rec  pic +zz9.
       working-storage section.
       01 eof pic xxx value "no".
       01 temp-diff     pic S999.
       01 ws-temp-high  pic S999.
       01 ws-temp-low   pic S999.
       01 ws-temp-noon  pic S999.
       01 ws-temp-eve   pic S999.

procedure division.
           open input test-sign-in2 test-sign-in3.
           open output test-sign-out.
      ***input file is ordered low value first then higher value
           read test-sign-in2
               at end move "yes" to eof.
           perform 200-file-ordered until eof = "yes".
      ***answers:  18, 36, 13, 18, 1
           move spaces to test-sign-out-rec.
           write test-sign-out-rec.
      ***input file is NOT ordered low then high
noon and evening temps
           move "no" to eof.
           read test-sign-in3
               at end move "yes" to eof.
           perform 300-noon-eve-order until eof = "yes".
      ***answers: 20, 36, 37, 18, 1  

      ***what does output file look like exactly?!
           close test-sign-in2 test-sign-in3 test-sign-out.
           stop run.

           move temp-low to ws-temp-low
           move temp-high to ws-temp-high
           compute temp-diff = ws-temp-high - ws-temp-low
           write test-sign-out-rec from temp-diff
           read test-sign-in2
               at end move "yes" to eof.

           move temp-noon to ws-temp-noon
           move temp-eve to ws-temp-eve
           if ws-temp-eve > ws-temp-noon
              compute temp-diff = ws-temp-eve - ws-temp-noon
              compute temp-diff = ws-temp-noon - ws-temp-eve
           write test-sign-out-rec from temp-diff
           read test-sign-in3
               at end move "yes" to eof.