Upon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to:


1.         List the advantages of using the COPY statement.


2.                  Describe the format of the COPY statement.


3.                  Design and code a program that uses the COPY statement.


4.                  List the advantages of using subprograms.


5.                  Describe the format of the CALL statement.


6.                  Design and code a subprogram that processes data passed in from a calling program.


7.                  Design and code a program that calls a subprogram.


8.                  Describe the differences between using a COPY statement and calling a subprogram.


9.                  Given a STRING statement, explain what the statement does.


10.              Code STRING statements to solve specific problems.


11.              Given an UNSTRING statement, explain what the statement does.


12.              Code UNSTRING statements to solve specified problems.




I.          COPY Statement


A.        Introduction


1.         The COPY statement is used to bring a series of prewritten COBOL entries, stored in a library, into a program.


2.         Use of the COPY statement is beneficial since it:

a.         Saves coding and debugging time.

b.         Promotes program standardization through the use of common data-names and procedures.

c.         Reduces the time required to make modifications.

d.         Results in better-documented programs.


3.         Entries that are most often copied:

a.         File and record definitions (FD and 01 entries).

b.         Standard modules to be used in the PROCEDURE DIVISION of several programs.


4.         Each computer has its own operating system commands for creating and accessing a library.


B.         Entries that can be Copied


1.         Prewritten ENVIRONMENT, DATA, or PROCEDURE DIVISION entries may be saved in a library and copied into a program.


2.         Format of the COPY statement:


COPY text-name [{OF/IN} library-name]


C.        Example


Review the example presented in this section of the text.


D.        Full Format of the COPY Statement


1.         Review the format of the COPY statement that is presented in this section of the text.


2.         The COPY statement can be used to make changes to the prewritten entries as they are copied into the program.

3.         The REPLACING clause allows library entries to be altered when they are copied into the source program.  The REPLACING clause does not alter the library entries themselves.


II.         CALL Statement


A.        Why Use A CALL Statement?


1.         Programs may CALL or execute independent subprograms that are entirely separate from the main program itself.  The subprograms are typically stored in a special library.


2.         The main program that references or calls a subprogram is referred to as the calling program.


3.         The subprogram that is called and executed is referred to as the called program.


4.         The called subprogram is independent of the main program.  It has to be compiled and catalogued or stored in a library.


5.         A subprogram may be called by different main programs.


6.         Data items may be passed between the calling program and the called program.


7.         Advantages of calling subprograms:

a.         Avoids duplication of effort.

b.         Improves programmer productivity.

c.         Provides greater flexibility (different languages may be used to write the subprograms).

d.         Changes to the called program can be made without the need to modify the calling program.

e.         Results in greater standardization.


8.         The CALL statement and the COPY statement perform very different functions.

a.         Copied entries are compiled and executed as part of the main program.

b.         Calling and called programs are designed, coded and compiled separately.

B.         Format of the CALL statement

1.         The format of the CALL statement is:


CALL literal-1

    [USING identifier-1 ... ]


2.         Literal-1 is the name of the called program as specified in its PROGRAM-ID statement.  The literal is enclosed in quotation marks when used in the CALL statement.


3.         The USING clause identifies the fields in the calling program that will be passed either to or from the called program.


4.         A LINKAGE SECTION must be defined in the DATA DIVISION of the called program to define those items that will be passed between the main program and the subprogram.




6.         VALUE clauses are not permitted in the LINKAGE SECTION.


7.         The PROCEDURE DIVISION entry of the called program includes a USING clause that lists all entries defined in the LINKAGE SECTION.


8.         Data items named in the CALL ... USING of the main program are passed in sequence to the corresponding items in the PROCEDURE DIVISION USING statement of the subprogram.


9.         EXIT PROGRAM must be the last executed statement in the called program.  It signals the computer to return control to the calling program.  With COBOL 74, it must be the only statement in the last paragraph.


10.       With COBOL 74, only 01-level items may be passed.  With newer versions of COBOL, parameters at all levels may be passed as long as they are elementary items.


11.       The INITIAL PROGRAM clause in the called program restores all WORKING-STORAGE entries to their original values before and after each call.  The INITIAL PROGRAM clause is coded in the PROGRAM-ID paragraph of the called program.


12.       Data items passed to a subprogram may have their values protected from modification by using the BY CONTENT clause of the CALL ... USING statement.


C.        Examples


Review the examples presented in this section.


III.       Text Manipulation with the STRING and UNSTRING Statements


A.        STRING Statement


1.         The STRING statement concatenates several fields together to form one field.


2.         The STRING statement is used primarily for text manipulation.


3.         The format for the STRING statement is:


STRING {{identifier-l/literal-l} ...


        {identifier-2/literal-2/SIZE}} ...

    INTO identifier-3



4.         The delimiter identifies the point in the sending field at which the transfer of data should be terminated.  The delimiter itself is not placed in the receiving field.


5.         The DELIMITED BY SIZE clause means that the entire contents of the specified literal or field is transmitted to the receiving field.


6.         Unlike the MOVE statement, the STRING statement does not replace rightmost characters with spaces.


7.         The OVERFLOW option specifies the operation(s) to be performed if the receiving field is not large enough to accommodate the result. The NOT ON OVERFLOW option is also available.


8.         The POINTER option may be used to count the number of characters actually moved by a STRING statement. (Initialize the pointer field to 1 before the STRING; after the STRING subtract 1 to get the actual number of characters moved.)


9.         The POINTER option may also be used to move data to a receiving field beginning at some point other than the first position.


10.       Rules for use of the STRING statement:

a.         The DELIMITED BY clause is required.

b.         The receiving field must be an elementary item with no editing symbols.

c.         All literals must be described as nonnumeric.

d.         The POINTER field must be an elementary numeric item.

e.         The STRING statement moves data from left to right just like alphanumeric fields are moved, but a STRING does not pad with low-order blanks the way an alphanumeric MOVE does.


B.         The UNSTRING Statement


1.         The UNSTRING may be used to convert data entered from a terminal into a form more appropriate for storage on disk.


2.         The UNSTRING separates a large field into component parts.


3.         The format of the UNSTRING statement is:


UNSTRING identifier-1

    [DELIMITED BY [ALL] {identifier-2/literal-1}

        [OR [ALL] {identifier-3/literal-2}] ...]

     INTO identifier-4 ...



4.         Any literal may be used as a delimiter to denote the end of a portion of the field.


5.         When the ALL phrase is included, one or more occurrences of the literal or identifier are treated as a single delimiter.


6.         POINTER and ON OVERFLOW options are available.  A NOT ON OVERFLOW clause is also available.


7.         Rules for using the UNSTRING statement:

a.         The sending field must be nonnumeric.  The receiving fields may be numeric or nonnumeric.

b.         Each literal must be nonnumeric.

c.         The POINTER and ON OVERFLOW clauses may be used in the same way as with the STRING.




I.          True-False Questions


1.         F          The COPY statement retrieves and includes into a source program a

                        series of prewritten COBOL entries. The CALL statement causes a

                        separate subprogram to be executed.


2.         T          On PC systems, these items are stored in special directories (folders).


3.         T


4.         F          The COPY statement may be used in the ENVIRONMENT, DATA and



5.         F          Only the order, size, and type of the variables are important, not the



6.         F          The called program is the subprogram.


7.         F          If no data is passed, no LINKAGE SECTION is required.


8.         F          The CALLED program ends with an EXIT PROGRAM entry.


9.         T


10.       T


II.        General Questions


1.         The COPY statement retrieves and places a series of prewritten COBOL entries into the body of the source program.  These copied entries are compiled and executed together with the source program.


The CALL statement causes an entire program (subprogram), which must be in machine language, to be executed.  The subprogram can be debugged independently of the calling program, but may not be executed independently.












01  SUM-IT          PIC 9(3).






III.       Validating Data


1.         The program should include a routine to verify that:


a.         SOC-SEC-NO is a valid numeric value.

b.         EMPLOYEE-NAME and EMPLOYEE-ADDRESS are present.

c.         overflow, using an ON OVERFLOW clause, does not occur during the UNSTRING statement.


2.         A control listing of totals should include:


a.         the number of transaction records processed from the EMPLOYEE-FILE file.

b.         the number of transaction records containing errors.

c.         a detailed explanation of each error found in the transaction file.





            a.         There should not be a hyphen in LINKAGE SECTION.

b.         The USING clause in the PROCEDURE DIVISION needs to reference fields defined in the LINKAGE SECTION of the called program.  It should be coded:




c.      The last statement executed in a subprogram is EXIT PROGRAM, not EXIT.