CSE 683: Final Project
Due Monday, Dec. 6

Project: Select from list or propose alternative

submit source code, by Monday at 11:59p, using 'project' as the assignment as in:
submit c683aa project project.cpp
submit c683aa lab9 project.cpp

demo Monday or Tuesday, at 1:30 in CL112D


Basically, do something interesting. Here are some (preapproved) ideas. I want everyone to write up a short description of what they are proposing as their project so I can review it and we can agree on what you're doing.

NOTE: Email me the project you're doing (pre-approved or not) by end of Wednesday, December 1.

I will entertain groups of two if students want to work together - with a commensurate increase in project complexity and specification of program responsibilities. Clear it with me first - then email me the description.

Email me a short write-up of your project, choosing one from the list below (pre-approved) or one of your own. A project not on the list below should only be considered as approved when you get an approval email from me.

Suggested projects