Lab Guidelines


Equipment and Programming Environment

The labs should be written in C or C++. Other languages are possible if and only if the grader approves it - the grading process is simpler if all the lab submissions adhere to a uniform structure (see below under 'Lab Submission').

The official equipment for the course consists of the lab workstations. All programs should be tested under UNIX since the labs will be evaluated on that system. Of course, you can develop the code on whatever platform you want to use.

Output from your programs should be an image in ppm (portable pixmap) format. Images are displayed using standard display routines such as gqview or ImageMagick's display. There are no special libraries or APIs required by the lab assignments.

Grading Criteria

Grading of the labs will be based on the following: The grader will grade the labs. If you have a problem with the grade you received on your lab, see the grader first. If you can't resolve the dispute with the grader, then see me. However, in order to maintain consistent grading for everyone in the class, I am not very inclined to alter grades that are assigned by the grader.

Late Penalties

Here's my philosophy about lab deadlines - they are deadlines! If you miss is by a minute - then you've missed it. Period. It's not fair to all the students who worked hard to make a deadline for me to turn around and give some student extra time (unless it's an *exceptional* situation).

There is a 10% per day late penalty for every day the labs are open, up to a maximum of 50%. After that, you get zero. Late penalties are imposed precisely at midnight. I don't give extensions to individuals unless its an extreme case of a proven emergency.

You have more than enough time to do the labs, especially if you start on them right away. If you wait and run out of time, even if there is a small delay in electronic submission, it's your problem. Plan ahead.

I will only consider system delays if the Departmental Computing Staff concurs that there was a significant system problem that caused a significant delay in electronic submission.

I give extensions to the class in case of general equipment failure or other, universal, uncontrollable, devastating, verifiable circumstances.

Copying Labs

Don't. Discussion of lab assignments is allowed and encouraged. However, do your own work. Labs which are too similar will be handed over to the Committee on Academic Misconduct and handled by them. The only thing I do is gather the evidence and submit it to the Committee.

Lab Submission



Last Lab CANNOT be Handed in Late

The last lab CANNOT be handed in late!
Last updated 12/27/2010