CSE681 Lab 1

Winter 2011
due Monday, January 24, by 11:59:59pm



Assignment & Requirements

Write the basic ray tracing geometry code that constructs a ray through each pixel and intersects a sphere of radius 1 centered at the origin. Color each point by scaling the color red by the z-coordinate of the normal vector.


The simple geometric arrangement of the camera and the sphere should help you debug your program. You should be able to look at pixel values and intersection point values and see if they make sense or not.

For example, at 45 degrees field of view with the observer at z=1.5, the virtual frame buffer should be at z=0.5 and the top of it should be at y=1.0.

Similarly, with a sphere centered at the origin with radius 1, all intersection points should be a distance of 1 away from the origin. The z-coordinate of all normal vectors of all visible points should be positive.

Last updated 1/12/11

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Rick Parent