Exam Topics and Notes



Midterm Topics

Approximate point distribution (+/- 5%)

Graphics systems, viewing pipeline, basic technology, OpenGl architecture 15%
the display pipeline: Spaces, transformations, projections & viewing40%
OpenGL transformations, matrices, hierarchical definitions, 30%
Color & Illumination15%

Sample questions

Final Exam

The Final Exam will:

Final Topics

  1. "Under the hood" - graphics pipeline: Be able to explain (to the extent we've covered it in class) the processing that z-buffer algorithms (like OpenGL) do in processing geometric data to create a 3D rending.
  2. "Under the hood" - shading:
  3. OpenGL and lab programming: This will consist of small program segments to do a variety of tasks that are similar to things you've done in the lab assignments. Use pseudo-code for non-OpenGL commands as directed.
  4. Other graphics knowledge: Including terms in the first 3 book chapters and other topics we covered in class.

Approximate point distribution (tentative)

Under the hood: display pipeline20%
Under the hood: shading20%
OpenGL programming40%
Other graphics knowledge20%

Sample questions

Also refer to the midterm sample questions.

Last updated 6/1/08