Thanks to Yash Kulshrestha for these notes on getting the Lab1 (OpenGL, GLUT) to work on the most recent Mac OS (10.7) and Xcode (Xcode4). Steps: 1. From the splash screen I selected "Create a new Xcode Project" 2. Then I selected "Cocoa Application" under Application under Mac OS X 3. Used the 'Product Name' field to give the project a name (e.g. Test) and unchecked "Use Core Data" and "Include Unit Tests" options. 4. Picked a path to save the project on the hard drive. 5. Deleted the files TestAppDelegate.h, TestAppDelegate.m and MainMenu.xib (select delete from the dialog). 6. Expanded the Supporting Files folder and deleted Test-Prefix.pch and Credits.rtf (select delete from the dialog). 7. Renamed main.m to main.cpp. 8. Expanded the Frameworks folder and deleted Cocoa.Framework and the Other Frameworks folder (select Remove References Only from the dialog). 9. Right clicked (control-clicked) on Frameworks and selected Add Files To "Test" option from the drop-down menu. 10. Navigated to Macintosh HD/System/Library/Frameworks and selected GLUT.Framework and clicked Add. 11. Did the same for OpenGL.Framework which is also found in the same place as GLUT.Framework. 12. in main.cpp, a) delete the line #import b) add #include and #include c) delete the return statement in main(). Copy the source code to main.cpp and then: 1) delete the #include "stdafx.h" line 2) change _tmain to main