Revising Exit Survey

One change we implemented in '04-'05 in the BS-CSE exit survey was the addition of two free-form questions. One of these asked the respondent to identify the one aspect of the program that he or she found most helpful and to explain the answer briefly. The second asked respondent to identify the one change in the program that he or she would most like to see, and a brief explanation of the suggested change.

These additions have proven useful and in the few months that these questions have been included in the survey, we have received a number of useful comments. Indeed, the recent introduction of an interviewing workshop in one of the capstone courses was triggered, in part, by responses to these questions. We are planning to further revise the exit survey to obtain student feedback on the quality and importance of both faculty advising as well as staff advising.

Both of these changes were based on extensive discussions in the Undergraduate Studies Committee.