Development and application of Oral Communication Skills in the BS-CSE program

Oral communication skills are developed and applied at several points in the program. The two most significant points are CSE 601, the one-credit course on ethical and professional issues in computing; and the capstone design course. In addition, Engineering 181 and 183 help develop students' communication skills (both oral and written) as well as their team working skills. Several other courses also require students to make oral presentations but this varies from one section of the course to another.

This page contains links to recordings of student presentations from CSE 601 and various capstone design courses. Links to MS Powerpoint slides (but no video recordings) of two additional student presentations, both from the new course on Information Security (CSE 551) are also included. Also near the end of this page is some information about how Eng. 181/183 are organized and the help that students get from those courses in developing their oral skills; but no videos of 181/183 presentations.

The links to video recordings also include information about the length of the presentation (in minutes) and the size of the file. The recordings are in .wmv format and require a tool such as Windows Media Player to play them. The sound volume on the recordings is somewhat low; you may have to turn up your speakers' volume a bit. The taping of the presentations was done by Tamera Cramer. Segments were spliced together by Neelam Soundarajan using Windows Movie Maker. Neither is an expert at these tasks! Please pass on any comments to Neelam (neelam@cse). Thanks!
(Note (12/17/'05): These videos have been moved off-line; see the notes file in this directory.)

Last modified: Sun Dec 18 17:28:16 EST 2005