Capstone Design Courses

Note: In late Autumn '05-early Winter '06 quarters, some important changes were introduced in the capstone courses. The main purpose of these changes was to improve the contribution that these courses make to the students' level of achievement of outcomes related to communication skills, team-working skills, and life-long-learning abilities; and to help us assess the degree to which students achieve these outcomes. These changes are described in a separate page that capstone course instructors, especially those who may not know the details of all the changes, should read carefully.

Introduction: One of the important requirements of the BS-CSE program is the capstone design course requirement. Six courses, each with its primary focus on an extensive design project, have been identified as capstone design courses. Each of these courses provides a culminating design experience in which students use the knowledge and skills they have gained throughout the curriculum in a team-based design and implementation project. Each BS-CSE major is required to take one of these courses as his or her capstone design course. Students may also choose to take, as part of their elective hours, additional courses from this list of six courses.

Each of the capstone design courses is required to meet a well-defined set of criteria. These criteria, which were based on a previous set of criteria, were developed following extensive discussions in the the CSE Undergraduate Studies Committee (UGSC) and approved by the CSE faculty in Spring '04. The UGSC will evaluate each capstone course against these criteria on a regular basis, to ensure that it continues to meet the capstone course criteria and to identify possible improvements in the course, so that it provides a culminating design experience to BS-CSE majors and prepares them as effectively as possible for the practice of Computer Science and Engineering following their graduation.

The capstone course criteria, the current syllabi of all the capstone courses, and details about their most recent evaluation against the criteria may be accessed via the following links: