Course Overview

CS 6332 is a graduate level, research oriented, systems and software security class. The goal of this course is to understand the low-level details of the real system software implementations such as OS kernels by using techniques such as virtual machine introspection; examine the state of the art software vulnerabilities and attacks, such as memory exploits (e.g., ROP); design practical systems defense (e.g., using the recent advances such as hardware support for trusted computing); design program analysis to reverse engineer the binary code.

The learning outcome is students shall be able to understand and know

Text Books

Required textbooks

Reference textbooks

Course Notes and Schedule

$ Last updated Sun Jan 10 10:49:53 2016 Exp $

Lecture# TOPICS Assigned Readings
1 Course Logistics and Overview [CSAPP] [Ch2-Ch6]
Basic Computer Systems Knowledge
2 Low Level Code (x86 assembly) [CSAPP] [Ch2-Ch6]
3 Low Level Systems Software: OS Kernel [CSAPP] [Ch2-Ch6]
4 Low Level Systems Software: Compiler, Linker, Loader [CSAPP] [Ch2-Ch6]
Binary Code Analysis (Reverse Engineering) Techniques
5 Introduction to Binary Analysis WYSINWYE
6 Understanding ELF Binary Format ELF Format
7 Dynamic Binary Analysis Pin Manual
8 Program Representations for Analysis Program Slicing
9 Program Slicing Program Slicing
10 Data Flow Analysis Principles of Program Analysis Ch2
11 Pointer Analysis Point-to Analysis
12 Shape Analysis Shape Analysis and[Paper1,Paper2]
13 Dynamic Taint Analysis Dynamic Data Flow Tracking
14 Value Set Analysis WYSINWYE
15 Symbolic Execution Automated Whitebox Fuzzing
Software Security: Vulnerabilities and Defenses
16 Control Flow Hijacks, Buffer Overflows Stack Smashing, 2011 Stack Smashing
17 Exploit Development [AOE] Ch3
18 Integer and Heap Overflow [AOE] Ch3
19 Format String Vulnerability [AOE] Ch3
20 Control Flow Defense (Canary, DEP, ASLR) ASLR
21 Return Oriented Programming ROP, BROP
Systems Security: Kernel Monitoring, Virtualization, and Hardware Security
22 Virtual Machine Introspection: Introduction VMI Survey
23 Virtual Machine Introspection: Challenges VMI Survey
24 Virtual Machine Introspection: Approaches VMI Survey
25 Virtual Machine Introspection: Applications VMI Survey
26 Hardware Security: Intel Software Guard Extension-I SGX Manual ch1-ch4
27 Hardware Security: Intel Software Guard Extension-II SGX Manual ch1-ch4
Final Exam: Date: December 11, 2015 Time: 8:00pm-10:45pm Location: ECSS 2.306

Office Hours


This is a highly technical class. We expect students to have a strong technical background before taking this course. Students who have not taken a security class before or whom are otherwise unfamiliar with computer security will likely not be able to complete this class. Specifically, students should satisfy at least three of the following:

UTD course catalog (at least three of the following)

Course Projects

Please visit e-learning to check out the projects.

Course Policy

Late Policy

All late submissions will automatically lose 1 point per delayed day until the points in that project are gone.

Collaboration Policy

Students are encouraged to collaborate, particularly on the discussion on the course project. However, each individual must finish the project by him/her-self.

Cheating Policy

We will strictly follow the university policy on cheating and plagiarism which is available here. Please avoid. There are also several examples of Scholastic Dishonesty If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact the instructor.