Course Overview

Course Description

Information Security (3 semester hours) is a comprehensive study of the principles and practices of computer system security including operating system security, network security, software security and web security. Topics include common attacking techniques such as virus, trojan, worms and memory exploits; the formalisms of information security such as the access control and information flow theory; the common security policies such as BLP and Biba model; the basic cryptography, RSA, cryptographic hash function, and password system; the real system implementations, with case study of UNIX, SE-Linux, and Windows; network intrusion detection; software security theory; web security; legal and ethical issues in computer security.

Student Learning Outcomes

The learning outcome is students shall be able to understand what are the common threats faced today, what are the foundational theory behind information security, what are the basic principles and techniques when designing a secure system, how to think adversarially, how today's attacks and defenses work in practice, how to assess threats for their significance, and how to gauge the protections and limitations provided by today's technology

Course Syllabus


Understanding the Threats





Network Security

Software Security

Web Security

Legal and Ethical Issues

NOTE: please access all the lecture notes posted in e-learning.

Text Books

Office Hours

Tuesday, Thursday 5:20PM - 6:20PM


Course Projects


Course Policy

Grading Policy

Late Policy

No late submission. Otherwise, it will be penalized or may not be graded.

Collaboration Policy

Students are encouraged to collaborate, particularly on the course project. But we will limit the team member to at most two students.

Cheating Policy

We will strictly follow the university policy on cheating and plagiarism which is available here. Please avoid. There are also several examples of Scholastic Dishonesty If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact the instructor.

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