Improved Medial Axis 

for CAD models





     The input to the original algorithm is only the coordinates of the sample points. As a result, the approximation quality is limited by the input sample density. In geometric applications involving CAD models, the surfaces from which samples need to be derived are known. We extended our medial axis algorithm to 3D CAD objects by first sampling the CAD surfaces appropriately and then modifying the original algorithm. 
T. K. Dey, H. Woo and W. Zhao. Approximating medial axis for CAD models. Manuscript, 2002.

./circle23_blue.gifPoint Sampling from CAD models

  The undersampling caused by non-smooth edges and corners is the source of all problems. We pay special attention while sampling the vicinity of these areas

./circle23_blue.gifMedial Axis for CAD models


     The new algorithm constructs a complete structure of the medial axis and connect it to convex edges and non-concave corners. We achieve this by using the sampled points and the information about the CAD surface in approximating the medial axis from the Voronoi diagram.