Communications Systems
& Networking Research Group

Computer Science Department
Ohio State University

Bolz 111 Building 146 2036 Neil Ave Mall Columbus, OH 43210
Tel: +1 (614)688-3502

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Our group works on various research topics. Our active research areas include in-band full duplex, backbone-assisted wireless networks, wireless security and cyber physical systems.

Wireless In-Band Full Duplex [NSF 1254032]:

Conventional wisdom says that a wireless node can send or receive on a given frequency, but not do both simultaneously. This wisdom has been around for over a century. All of the wireless systems and protocol architectures are built based on this wisdom. We showed that a wireless node can, indeed, send and receive on the same frequency simultaneously. This breaks the conventional wisdom and thus, has deep implications to current and future wireless networks. More information can be found here .

[MobiCom 2010] [MobiCom 2011] [Asilomar 2012] [SPCOM 2014]
[Infocom 2014] [HotWireless 2014] [NSDI 2015] [MobiSys 2015] [MobiCom 2015] [NSDI 2016]

Backbone-Assisted Wireless Networks [NSF 1302620]:

The number of wireless devices connecting to the Internet is increasing exponentially. The datarate demand from these devices is also increasing drastically. Soon, current wireless networks will be unable to meet these demands. We explore ways to increase capacity of the wireless networks as the number of these devices increases. We invoke information-theoretic techniques, address practical challenges and develop prototypes to address this issue. Throughout, we exploit the already available Ethernet backbone to assist with this invokation.

[MobiCom 2013] [ICNP 2013] [CoNext 2013] [HotMobile 2014]
[SIGCOMM 2014] [MobiCom 2014]

Wireless Security:

With the number of wireless devices increasing exponentially, securing them will become critical. We explore scalable key management techniques that use wireless signals to create and maintain keys.

[SSS 2014] [HotWireless 2014] [MobiSys 2015]

Sensors and Cyber Physical Systems [NSF 1514260]:

Sensors and actuators wirelessly communicate and coordinate with each other towards a common goal. The application space is much larger than smart homes, which is currently getting popular. Most of the sensors will be power-constrained. We investigate techniques that are low power and efficient.

[MobiCom 2010] [IPSN 2013]

Full Duplex for Cognitive Radios [NSF 1547306]:

The FCC realizes the underutilization problem with licensed spectrum and has opened up some licensed spectrum for secondary usage by unlicensed users. This has led to significant research efforts in building cognitive radios that detect when to use such spectrum. In the past, our group has shown the possibility of a wireless node being able to transmit and receive simultaneously on the same band i.e. in-band full duplex. Together with the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin), we are exploring how to improve cognitive radio research with full duplex. More information is here.

[MobiHoc 2016] [Infocom 2016] [TMC 2016] [MobiHoc 2016] [Infocom 2016]

Internet of Everything [NSF 1514260]:

Every year, many mundane things in our home get internet connectivity for improved living. Now toothbrushes have devices to monitor our dental hygiene, cars have sensors to monitor our driving habits and so on. These Internet of Things (IoT) devices will keep increasing in number and will be vital for many applications like smart homes, smart cities, assisted living, etc., In this project, we explore how to handle transmissions from these devices and look at ways to address scalability.  More information is here.