of The Alpha Chapter of Ohio
of The Upsilon Pi Epsilon Association

Wednesday, July 24, 1991

Article I
Election of Officers

Section 1.
The Officers of the Chapter shall be elected at the last business meeting of the Spring quarter.

Section 2.
The newly elected officers shall be assume their duties immediately following their election.

Section 3.
The Officers of this Chapter shall be elected by secret ballot.

Section 4.
The Officers of this Chapter shall be students of the Ohio State University.

Section 5.
No student shall be allowed to vote by proxy.

Article II
Special Duties of Officers

Section 1.
In addition to his or her regular duties, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the Parliamentarian.

Section 2.
In addition to his or her regular duties, the Secretary shall make all arrangements for the meetings.

Section 3.
In addition to his or her regular duties, the Historian shall attend all meetings of the student councils in the Colleges of Engineering and Arts & Sciences.

Article III

Section 1.
Special meetings may be called by the president, or by petition of one-half of the active membership of the chapter.

Section 2.
The chapter may vote to hold regular meetings.

Section 3.
The parliamentary guide for the conduct of all meetings shall be Robert's Rules of Order, if the meeting attendance exceeds 15 persons.

Section 4.
The order of conduct of a regular meeting shall be as follows:

  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of the minutes
  3. Committee reports
  4. Unfinished business
  5. New business
  6. Announcements from attenders
  7. Program of technical session (optional)
  8. Adjournment

Section 5.
Notification of all active members shall be given by the Secretary one week prior to a special meeting.

Article IV

Section 1.
An initiation fee shall be charged to each initiate by the chapter which shall cover dues for the quarter.

Section 2.
Each initiate shall be required to pay all dues and initiation fees prior to his or her initiation.

Section 3.
One week prior to the election of officers, the Treasurer shall submit to the President and the Faculty Advisor a written statement of the financial condition of the chapter.At the election meeting, this will be submitted to the chapter, and will be entered into the minutes upon acceptance by the chapter.

Section 4.
Special assessments may be made at anytime, upon approval by two-thirds of the active members of the chapter.

Section 5.
If a special assessment is not paid by an active member, the member shall revert to inactive status.

Section 6.
Should the chapter become defunct, all funds shall be held by the Department of Computer and Information Science until such time as new chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon is established, whereupon the funds shall revert to the new chapter.

Article V
Election to Membership

Section 1.
Invitation to U.P.E. will be offered to students who satisfy the eligibility criteria as laid down in the pertinent Article of the Chapter Constitution at the beginning of the initiation quarters.

Section 2.
Membership shall not be offered to an individual a second time if such membership has been previously declined by that individual for any reason with the exception of hardship cases.

Section 3.

The basic Computer Sciences courses that will be used to satisfy the 27 hour criteria for undergraduates and the G.P.A. criteria for graduates shall include all C.I.S. department classes and all technical electives from the C.I.S. degrees.

Section 4.
Interested invitees should then inform the Secretary of their intent to accept their invitation to U.P.E. and should attend all mandatory meetings. Attendance at regular meetings of the chapter will not be required but will be expected of active members.

Section 5.
Inductees will be required to participate in at least one committee or activity sponsored by the Chapter.

Section 6.

Membership shall be granted only to those inductees who attend the initiation banquet at the end of the quarter, with exception for special cases.

A student's major G.P.A. must be 3.4 and overall G.P.A. must be 3.2 for undergraduates. Graduate students must have a 3.6 G.P.A..

Article VI
Committees and Activities

Section 1.
Committees shall be made for a specific purpose (such as the selection of members, organizing an activity etc.) by the Executive Council during Autumn or Spring quarters.

Section 2.
Committees shall remain active for a period of one quarter to one year as demanded by the nature of the purpose of the committee.

Section 3.
Membership in the committees shall be open to the members of the Executive Council, inductees and active members.

Section 4.
The Chapter shall sponsor activities of a nature that might benefit the Computing Sciences and help in the development of its members and the society.

Section 5.
Activities shall be sponsored subject to the availability of funds.