Package components.sortingmachine

package components.sortingmachine
Provides the SortingMachine family interfaces and implementing classes.
  • Class
    SortingMachineKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
    SortingMachine represented as java.util.List (using an embedding of java.util.Collections.sort), with implementations of primary methods.
    SortingMachine represented as a Queue (using an embedding of selection sort), with implementations of primary methods.
    SortingMachine represented as a Queue (using an embedding of insertion sort), with implementations of primary methods.
    SortingMachine represented as a Queue (using an embedding of quicksort), with implementations of primary methods.
    SortingMachine represented as a Queue and an array (using an embedding of heap sort), with implementations of primary methods.
    Sorting machine kernel component with primary methods.
    Layered implementations of secondary methods for SortingMachine.