All Classes and Interfaces

AMPMClock number component with primary methods.
BinaryTreeKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
BinaryTree represented as a recursive data structure, done "bare-handed", with implementations of primary methods.
Binary tree kernel component with primary methods.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for BinaryTree.
FormatChecker utility class with methods to check whether a String can be parsed as one of the primitive types (int, long, double, or boolean).
ListKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
List represented as a java.util.List with implementations of primary methods.
List represented as a singly linked list, done "bare-handed", with implementations of primary methods.
List represented as a doubly linked list, done "bare-handed", with implementations of primary methods.
List kernel component with primary methods.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for List.
MapKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
A map entry (key-value pair).
Map represented as a java.util.Map with implementations of primary methods.
Map represented as a Queue of pairs with implementations of primary methods.
Map represented as a BinaryTree (maintained as a binary search tree) of pairs with implementations of primary methods.
Map represented as a hash table using Maps for the buckets, with implementations of primary methods.
Map kernel component with primary methods.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for Map.
Straightforward implementation of Pair interface.
NaturalNumberKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
NaturalNumber represented as a java.math.BigInteger with implementations of primary methods.
NaturalNumber represented as a Stack<Integer> with implementations of primary methods.
NaturalNumber represented as a String with implementations of primary methods.
NaturalNumber represented as a Sequence<Integer> with implementations of primary methods.
Natural number kernel component with primary methods.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for NaturalNumber.
ProgramKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
BugsWorld virtual machine instructions and "byte codes".
Program represented as a String, Map, and Statement in the obvious way with implementations of primary methods.
Program kernel component with kernel methods.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for Program.
QueueKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
Queue represented as a java.util.List with implementations of primary methods.
Queue represented as a singly linked list, done "bare-handed", with implementations of primary methods.
Queue represented as a Sequence of entries, with implementations of primary methods.
First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue kernel component with primary methods.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for Queue.
Random component with all its methods.
Random represented as a java.util.Random with implementations of all methods.
Reporter utility class with methods to report various kinds of notifications.
SequenceKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
Sequence represented as a java.util.ArrayList with implementations of primary methods.
Sequence represented as a java.util.LinkedList with implementations of primary methods.
Sequence represented as a pair of Stacks with implementations of primary methods.
Sequence kernel component with primary methods.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for Sequence.
SetKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
Set represented as a java.util.Set with implementations of primary methods.
Set represented as a Queue of elements with implementations of primary methods.
Set represented as a BinaryTree (maintained as a binary search tree) of elements with implementations of primary methods.
Set represented as a hash table using Sets for the buckets, with implementations of primary methods.
Set kernel component with primary methods.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for Set.
SimpleReaderKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
SimpleReader represented as with implementations of primary methods.
SimpleReader kernel component with primary methods.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for SimpleReader.
SimpleWriterKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
SimpleWriter represented as with implementations of primary methods.
SimpleWriter kernel component with primary methods.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for SimpleWriter.
SortingMachineKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
SortingMachine represented as java.util.List (using an embedding of java.util.Collections.sort), with implementations of primary methods.
SortingMachine represented as a Queue (using an embedding of selection sort), with implementations of primary methods.
SortingMachine represented as a Queue (using an embedding of insertion sort), with implementations of primary methods.
SortingMachine represented as a Queue (using an embedding of quicksort), with implementations of primary methods.
SortingMachine represented as a Queue and an array (using an embedding of heap sort), with implementations of primary methods.
Sorting machine kernel component with primary methods.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for SortingMachine.
StackKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
Stack represented as a java.util.List with implementations of primary methods.
Stack represented as a singly linked list, done "bare-handed", with implementations of primary methods.
Stack represented as a Sequence of entries, with implementations of primary methods.
Last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack kernel component with primary methods.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for Stack.
Interface for newInstance, clear, and transferFrom methods that are expected of every mutable type in the "components" type families.
StatementKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
Statement represented as a Tree of StatementLabels with implementations of primary methods.
Statement kernel component with kernel methods.
The possible conditions for IF, IF_ELSE, and WHILE statements.
The kinds of statements.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for Statement.
Stopwatch component with all its methods.
Stopwatch represented with two integers and a boolean, with implementations of all methods.
Tokenizer utility class with methods to tokenize an input stream and to perform various checks on tokens.
TreeKernel enhanced with secondary methods.
Tree represented as a recursive data structure, done "bare-handed", with implementations of primary methods.
Tree kernel component with primary methods.
Layered implementations of secondary methods for Tree.
XMLTree component with all its methods.
XMLTree represented as a recursive data structure, done "bare-handed", with implementations of all methods.
XMLTree represented as a Tree, with implementations of all methods.
Layered implementations of equals, hashCode, and toString for XMLTree.