ijkscalarinfo - output information about  a  regular  scalar


     ijkscalarinfo [OPTIONS] {input filename}


     ijkscalarinfo is a program to  output  information  about  a
     regular  scalar grid.  Information includes grid dimensions,
     number of grid vertices, number of grid cubes,  minimum  and
     maximum  scalar values, number of vertices with scalar value
     zero  and  the  minimum  interval  between  distinct  scalar
     values.   The  input file should be a Nearly Raw Raster Data
     (nrrd) file.  With the -plot option,  ijkscalarinfo  outputs
     gnuplot  (.gplt)  files containing frequency plots of scalar
     grid properties.


          Create gnuplot (.gplt) files of  each  output  measure-

          Output  frequency  of  grid   vertex   scalar   values.

     -iso Output isosurface area as a function of scalar  values.
          Isosurface  area  is  measured as number of intersected
          edges/cubes. (Default.)

     -iso Output volume of  interval  volume  as  a  function  of
          scalar  intervals.   Isosurface  volume  is measured as
          number of intersected edges/cubes.  (Default.)

          Output total and mean gradients as a function of scalar
          values.    Gradients  are  measured  as  the  spans  of
          edges/cubes. (Default.)

          Output number of zero gradient edges as a  function  of
          scalar values.

          Output number of connected components as a  funcion  of
          scalar values.

          Output area/volume based on grid edges. (Default.)

          Output area/volume based on grid cubes.

          Output fractal edge dimension as a function  of  scalar
          value.  The fractal edge dimension is log2(m1)-log2(m2)
          where m1 is the number of intersected edges in the ori-
          ginal grid and m2 is the number of intersected edges in
          a subsampled grid with subsample resolution 2.

          Output fractal box dimension as a  function  of  scalar
          value.   The fractal box dimension is log2(m1)-log2(m2)
          where m1 is the number of intersected cubes in the ori-
          ginal grid and m2 is the number of intersected cubes in
          a subsampled grid with subsample resolution 2.

          Output frequency plots of  edge  span  magnitudes.   If
          min_scalar is set, only edges with some endpoint scalar
          value at least the minimum are  included  in  the  edge
          span  frequencies.   If  max_scalar  is set, only edges
          with some endpoint scalar value at most the maximum are
          included in the edge span frequencies.

          Output frequency plots of  cube  span  magnitudes.   If
          min_scalar  is  set, only cubes with some vertex scalar
          value at least the minimum are  included  in  the  cube
          span  frequencies.   If  max_scalar  is set, only cubes
          with some vertex scalar value at most the  maximum  are
          included in the cube span frequencies.

     -min_scalar min
          Minimum  scalar  values.  Used   with   -edge_span   or

     -max_scalar max
          Maximum  scalar  values.  Used   with   -edge_span   or

          Compute gradient on isosurface by summing Laplacian.

          Sum Laplacian from minimum value.

          Sum Laplacian from maximum value.

     -all Output all measurements.

          Output no table measurements.

          Normalize frequencies by dividing by total.  Normalized
          values are between 0.0 and 1.0.

     -interval I
          Bucket interval.  Must be  a  positive  floating  point

     -num_buckets n
     -numb n
          Number of buckets.  Must be a positive integer.

     -iv vertex_index
          Output information about vertex vertex_index.

     -cc "cube_coordinates"
          Output  information   about   cube   with   coordinates
          cube_coordinates.    The   cube   coordinates  must  be
          enclosed between double apostrophes.

     -subsample n
          Compute information for subsampled grid with  subsample
          resolution n.  Cannot be used with -iv or -cc options.

     -o output_filename
          Output measurements  to  file  output_filename.   Note:
          Without  the -o option, each measurement is placed in a
          separate file.

     -file_label file_label
          Add file_label to all file names.

          Print help message (and exit.)


     Rephael Wenger

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